Padma Lakshmi’s Tomato Toast ASMR Tweet Comes With An Apology


In one of her latest videos posted to Twitter, Padma Lakshmi sits in her bed (later joined by her daughter) and takes loud bites out of a piece of toast adorned with yellow tomatoes. At one point. her daughter tries to join in, and Lakshmi shoos her away saying, “You are cramping my style.” While this video may be more odd than satisfying to viewers, Padma felt the need to apologize to followers who are afflicted with one very specific condition called misophonia. describes misophonia as “a condition in which individuals experience intense anger and disgust when they are confronted with sounds made by other human beings.” This can include things like chewing food, breathing, or smacking lips, so Padma’s crunch and chew video certainly fits the bill in this case. Though it appears her followers have no problem at all with watching and hearing her munch. As one person said, “@PadmaLakshmi is the only person on the planet who can gracefully & sexily eat tomato toast so I’ll just stick with photos of mine.”


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