Painting a Unicorn 🦄 in the Thunderstorm ⛈ | Ear to Ear ASMR

sugar boogerz ASMR

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26 Responses

  1. Philou Mars says:

    I have nerver liked the concept of the unicorn. The same with a painting of a sad clown. One day I met a girl and she had in her apartment the copy of a painting of a sad clown. Never i saw her again after that. I cannot stand this painting. It is just like when a woman has a perfume that makes me sick….I cannot stand it because i have nausea. It is a waste when someone has talent to make such paintings. Adding to that the fact she insists too much with her sexual is a bad moment.

  2. Dung Faced says:

    This reminded me of Bob Ross, because it made me beat the devil out of it.

  3. Caio says:

    Things needed to draw: pencil, paper, colors and… be naked.

  4. icarus550 says:

    Just like Bob Ross. He would be so proud. You really "get" painting!

  5. Technopolak says:

    I'd happily buy this piece of art

  6. J Cárdenas says:

    This is sensual and relaxing.

  7. damn, you got some real nice legs there, sugar

  8. Eudes Silva says:


  9. TheNorm says:

    absolutely SHAMELESS squadW

  10. Ear to Ear ….lovely!!

  11. Asdgf Bsjhu says:


  12. agarra el pincel con el pie para que me exite mucho mas bebe……..

  13. klugmeyer says:

    I don't know what to do with all these strange asmr videos … am I supposed to play with my donger or should I learn something? .. or both?

  14. W35 says:

    I am the unicorn right now!!!

  15. Roland Duson says:

    I need help making 1:26 my screensaver. A shirt would be even better.

  16. more of your legs and booty will relax me better -Sugar

  17. Один says:

    Tits boobs etc show. Don be afraid)))

  18. Zaf Mo says:

    anti-depressants in a year

  19. Que_Rico says:

    Not sure why she's naked though.