Painting along with Bob Ross while it rains (ASMR)


Started off following Bob Ross’ Frozen Solitude (season 13 Episode 2), but then went my own way because I am never happy with my trees. Looking back they …


23 Responses

  1. Zax says:

    Where'd you get that sweater?

  2. Kayokak says:

    T-Paints YYyyeaaaahhhhhh…

  3. Painting is amazing

  4. Thank you for posting, it is much needed.

  5. Zax says:

    1. This is definitely one of my favorite pieces of yours. Well done.
    2. Was this the larger project you were talking about in your previous video?
    3. "Most important part of the video: 40:56" Ya ain't wrong.

  6. rugbystud11 says:

    What happens to all of your paintings? Ever thought of selling and then donating proceeds to charity?

  7. Great painting :-)) I really dig those mountains :-))))

  8. N K says:

    What does the liquid white do?

  9. Nigel M says:

    I reckon almighty Bob would bless this painting, your cat seemed less impressed though.

  10. Jason Murray says:

    "That's good." Yep. Simply a pleasure to watch. Thank you. 🙂

    The rest is some thoughts about painting trees…. Have you watched season 22 episode 3? Two observations. First, he uses one corner of the fan brush and mostly goes straight down applying more pressure. Second, about half way down you can't tell one tree from another. Then he uses highlights to pick them apart. The dark layer is essentially a blob of color, where only the tops are truly distinct. Incidentally, episode 6 of the same season is one of my favorites for bushes. Same idea: rather indistinct dark layer with highlights used to pull out individual bushes. Fill up a canvas with trees to practice. Or don't. It's your world.

  11. ssthscha says:

    Can't say I speak for Bob but I'm guessing he would tell you that the trees are happy.

  12. Dena Hodges says:

    Braison said “that looks good, it looks like a tiny Alaska” 😊

  13. Taylor, you’re good; but I always tell you that!

  14. Broken Hope says:

    You are an enigma, aren't you? Hoodie Taylor, making me feel like I'm still at home even though she reminds me of all the people who tore home away from me. Amazing job on that painting. Blows me away how you work with paint.

  15. She's getting better at breaking the ice 😉 (pun intended) . Praise the Lord and Bob Ross. 🙌🏾

  16. EHKodiak says:

    Ooh, that rain towards the end. Definitely good stuff.

  17. I love your painting, and yes it looks better the way you do it. The mountains are beautiful and I like it when they are not blocked by trees. Could you hire me to be your camera man to avoid the battery situations?
    You can pay me with paintings and gratitude and I will come out way ahead in the deal.😁

  18. Grampamurked says:

    Those are your best mountains yet. Nice job! Keep up the practice, you're a joy to watch.

  19. Have you ever thought of selling these paintings? I only suggest it because this painting would be very relaxing to look at when I'm tired of looking at my computer screen at work. It would be very soothing thinking of all the relaxing sounds that went into making this plus the visual itself.

  20. Truch says:

    Bob Ross would be proud