Painting Inverted Crosses for Satan's Return (ASMR)

Ephemeral Rift

One of His disciples paints a pair of inverted crosses in preparation for His return, and to help you relax, sleep, focus, or tingle like the Prince of Darkness himself …


46 Responses

  1. jman12351 says:

    Eh, "Satan" is just a pseudonym of Nyarlathotep, anyway.

  2. mad zack says:

    He look like Mr. Foster but with a bow tie.

  3. Ah so you must be decorator that my boi Satan was talking about 😄

  4. For one who claims to be atheist, you sure do love to glorify Satan and bashing Jesus Christ. But wait, I thought atheists didn't believe they existed?

  5. MAD MAN says:

    I keep coming back to this for some reason

  6. Great Asmr but the breathing threw me off

  7. We’ve spoken— Satan is pleased with your offerings.

  8. y have send this video of my frends jesus 😂😂😂😂😂 hahaha S A T A Y L O V E Y O U

  9. R M says:

    I’m a Christian y’all need god

  10. по башке постучи себе тем крестом

  11. With that gas mask u could do a doctor who ASMR are u my mommy

  12. Adam Clarke says:

    This guy will go to hell

  13. Pig says:

    Satan shall always live, fuck Jesus

  14. Hail Satan! archangeloooo! Hail Satan! Welcome year zeroooooo!!

  15. So that's what Sid Wilson of Slipknot does in his spare time


    I just love, how Uncle Rift can make a video from such a simple stuff like preparing his room for another video…This is just incredible…

  17. 29:46 so damn satisfying how he just paints over that last little imperfection…


  19. That’s the cross of St. Peter, which I find pretty funny. Great video! Uncle E will never run out of ideas!

  20. Mr.preacher I need u for a second

  21. Kaden Lilley says:

    Better title: Painting inverted crosses for Satan's inevitable return

  22. Hail The lord Satan 616

  23. The goat head on my wall just started to ooze bloody from it's mouth and eyes should I be worried?

  24. This is terrifying XD luckily i praise Satan

  25. Krishyy Fan says:

    Claims to be a Satanist…
    Then pulls out a St. PEter's Cross symbol…
    All Satanist are actually low – key lover of St. Peter and Jesus… LOL

  26. Robert Soto says:

    Yeaaaaaaaa, noooooooooo

  27. Zeke Elmore says:

    Wait why would you be painting upside down crosses for Satan's return? The upside down cross is out of respect for Saint Peter who's last request before dying was to be crucified uside down in respect of Christ, he felt he was not worthy to die the way the lord died for our sins. Hahaha dumb

  28. Nice GP-5 my dude

  29. Guys you are all clearly in bondage ! who in the right mindset would want to worship satan , guys wake up satan doesnt love you at all he just cares about how many people he is able to controll and manipulate so that they will also go to hell especailly gods children , god loves you not satan he loves you so much that he gave his only begotten son that who so ever believeth in him shall have eternal life !!! accept jesus christ as your lord and saviour today and repent of your wicked ways for redemption draws nigh and judgement upon the world is imminient !!! i am praying for you all to be removed from your bondage and to release the world for it's true reality and to turn to god and become a follower of christ and i am not bothered if you guys send me rude comments or anything or laugh at me however i am sick and tired of watching you entertain satan as if theres no god and as if god doesnt love you and as long as ive warned you guys and have at least told you to be cautious then i shall remain quite and now it's up to you to decide wether your going to follow the path of distruction or the narrow path !!! for there's only heaven and hell there's only 1 god and 1 satan therefore you can either enter hell or heaven and you can either worship god our creator or satan the deciever may god be with you all and remember you cant choice both you can only choose one may god be with you and i pray that this enlightens some of you

  30. New Waters says:

    That's the St. Peter's cross-


  32. Aristro says:

    Satan part 3!?!?!?

  33. b ' says:

    muito legal porem achei bobo

  34. What freak would even do this shit?

  35. And I Oop- says:

    It’s not an inverted cross is actually the alchemical symbol of Leviathan your just trying to act creepy but you don’t even know the true cross.

  36. Is he fr a Satanist

  37. DoctorPatzz says:

    Thank you for pointing out how it’s off angle, BECAUSE NOW I CANT STOP THINKING ABOUT IT!

  38. Samu says:

    I want that mask

  39. Samu says:

    Where did you get that mask?

  40. Thisguyagain says:

    "Mom, What's dad doing?"


  41. xeaon26cz says:

    The one thing that worries me is the stains on that suit.

  42. Fun fact: the reason he doesn’t have a filter on the gas mask is because the filters designed for this particular soviet gas mask contained asbestos, thus giving the person wearing it mesothelioma 👍🏻

  43. these old comments are killing me. 99% of the posters have nooooo idea how societal power dynamics work. it's so irritating that people actually found this to be an "attack" on christianity with zero thought toward the fact that their religion is literally used to write legislation that oppresses people, lol, and that their rhetoric has been used to defend the abuse of women and minorities. the lack of awareness is astonishing. but y'know, he recorded this and then forced people to convert to satanism when he isn't even a satanist himself, lmfao. oh wait nope, sorry, got that confused with the propaganda used for gay conversion therapy. y'know, that thing the american VICE PRESIDENT supports? but sure, rift is the one hurting people. smh.