Painting Mountains with a Palette Knife ASMR

Taylor ASMR

birds chirping, rain shower, a gloriouuuuuuuussssss morning paint session


29 Responses

  1. cliq uot says:

    3:50 to 3:53 something must've happened to go from doable to photorealistic clouds.

  2. Love your unique style of painting and humor! Certainly made my evening! I hope you'll keep on painting and making some more vids! Bless you, girl! ^^

  3. Thats why I paint outside lol nice painting

  4. What humor she said nothing funny but I do love your vids keep it going

  5. Kyūketsuki says:

    'so we gotta make the magick ourselves' iconic.

  6. She is like so calming like bob I don’t understand it I love her

  7. BIGG BENN 85 says:

    2:14 you are probably being rhetorical but Bob recommends you get a brush-beater rack and put it in a garbage can so you can beat the brush (just beat the devil outta it) without it going everywhere. But if you did that it wouldn't be as funny as you getting mock-angry at all the blueness everywhere. I love the palette knife, other than Bob's witicisms and naming of the colours in his accent it is my favourite part of his shows. The sound of it against the palette itself is so relaxing for some reason.

  8. Blyat says:

    Why u dont beat the devil out of your brush?

  9. hol man says:

    Need to get yourself a 2 inch brush for that sky (;

  10. Sorry i got here late. So is she painting an island with waves and pointy clouds, or is that stay puft marshmallow zombie face with a swollen tongue?

  11. Marly Bean says:

    Yeah, it's blue 💙💙💙

  12. Evelyn Avila says:

    I have watched other ASMR videos of painting with knives but yours is by far the absolute best! I had tickles down my back the whole time. It relaxed me immediately after I started watching. Thank you! And your painting is really pretty by the way. You are a really good artist!

  13. I think the trouble you're having with coming up with what colors and what not without Bob is due to your lack of using sound effects. Yes. I'm sure that's it. 😉

  14. Please make more of this, but with a nice wig and a beard!

  15. Evelyn Avila says:

    Love it!!! The sounds, the movements of you hands, the sound of the knife on the canvas. the whispers, everything! The painting is beautiful too. Thank you!

  16. Nice painting of a mountain range from a planet far far away, with multiple suns at different angles. It is a pleasure watching you create such beautiful artwork. Thanks

  17. Mr. Snrub says:

    Looks like the Fortress of Solitude.

  18. GeoLitz says:

    Sunlight is directional… highlights on one side, and shadows on the other.

  19. Jarod Lewis says:

    i gotta get off of here before i fall asleep at work again like i did yesterday watching this

  20. disk turpin says:

    What a talented lady you are, Bob Ross and your family must be so proud of you. Bob is my favourite artist too.

  21. Paul McCarty says:

    I think she invoked a spirit or demon midway.

  22. fixes says:

    bob ross wont be proud of your painting
    eeewwww your painting sucks

    but joke!!!
    i love your painting

  23. RNGT B says:

    “I don’t even know where to put this shadow “ 😅 yes, you are cute, that’s me when I try to be creative but it doesn’t always ends up good 😉

  24. Your a painter so am,I but I love triggering sounds big music lover but the bands unlike tend to be artsy psych rock metal goth huge floyd guy syd …and let's remember. All the 🇬🇧 bands were art students ! Stones Beatles who etc I love your stuff and your pleasing southern bell voice .peace.

  25. Bob Ross Ronnie van zant ☝