Palette Knife ASMR Sounds Scraping Scratching Canvas Softly Spoken

Brad Robbo

Palette Knife sounds! Softly spoken asmr painting video – mostly knife sounds on the palette mixing and moving around paint and some scratching sounds on the canvas. Although there’s not much progression in the painting, itsmostly for relaxing to and hopefully triggering asmr with speaking softly and the sounds of the knife and paint brushing =D

Hope you like it despite the super shiny brightness haha =) Thanks for watching!! – Bradley

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49 Responses

  1. I wish more young men were like you :L you're so genuine and nobody else is nowadays! :L great video!

  2. Ludwig Wolf says:

    Proper tingles from this vid. Cheers mate, first class. It's my new favourite. Bob Ross once said that he could make an entire painting with only the palate knife. Not sure how; I never saw that episode. But if you know how to too, I'd love to see something like that.

  3. Love your asmr vids so much!

  4. You are just what I've been searching for. ASMRer's are good but then you start to get resistant to their techniques (except massage asmr who is a genius). This ASMR is absolutely perfect and just what we needed

  5. Viper2026 says:

    In my opinion, slightly better audio in this one 🙂

  6. Jack Dolby says:

    Great details with the trees mate … Clouds look a bit like smoke from a fire … but overall your videos are great … Keep them coming 🙂

  7. Brad Robbo says:

    Oh jeez 😛 <3

  8. Brad Robbo says:

    Okay carson, I will, just for you! 😛

  9. Brad Robbo says:

    ahehehe XD dragging some colours on a canvas eh 😛 Ohhhh you could doo itttttt, you could!! And it would look nice, and nicer and nicer the more you did it =D
    Yay, and ahh I appreicate you telling me that, hehe, that's fun/cool/stuffandthings :3

  10. Brad Robbo says:

    D'aww Stephany ^_^ And yeah, thanks for reminding me I should do something about the knife shine/glare… and I actually think he put tape on it rather than painting it black, I could be misremembering though

  11. Brad Robbo says:

    Oh you! STAAHHP! 😛 haha, you're making me alizarin

  12. Brad Robbo says:

    Cheers Rudy! Thanks so much for watching them =)

  13. Brad Robbo says:

    I'm glad you like it!

  14. Brad Robbo says:

    Fantastic. Thanks! Glad you enjoyed em =D

  15. Brad Robbo says:

    Alright, thanks 🙂

  16. Brad Robbo says:

    Glad you likie em 😀 And heh, those clouds came right out of presence, weren't what I had planned initially at all! =P Maybe I was feeling a little firey!

  17. subscribed to you yesterday your paintings are awesome,n you have a really nice soothing voice,so relaxing

  18. 1st class…. You're a very talented and unique painter…..techinques I've never seen before…. You have a good road ahead of you…

  19. Brad Robbo says:

    Late reply but thanks a lot for your comment shelly!! Its really nice that you find my voice soothing and stuff 🙂

  20. Brad Robbo says:

    Cheers eno!! Well, perhaps you should check out "Bob Ross" he's a wonderful guy! Talented and fantastic. I learned this technique from him =]
    Thanks for your comment 🙂

  21. Aashni says:

    Could you make an ASMR video without talking and just the sounds of the palette knife and you painting?

  22. Brad Robbo says:

    Brilliant, thanks!! Heh, no judging 😛 🙂

  23. Brad Robbo says:

    I could, yes! In fact I have, I've got a number of clips just as you described that I should be uploading, sorry for the super late reply.

  24. tommy,s girl says:

    Even more talented than myself ive only done celebrity sketches and one canvas painting and what you are doing is amazing
    And beautiful :-)♡

  25. iscald1 says:

    :)…very talented .. Love the painting 🙂

  26. Love it thanks! Ya know I never even heard of ASMR or even knew it was such thing, I thought maby i was only one lol.  It was something I experienced allot as a kid growing up in art class or certain classes. I remember as a kid haha I'de be all dozing off so relaxed, lol head all tingling. That was as kid growing up though and well several years ago I got some Bob Ross episodes… and man it was great!! I was so burned out from work and exhausted.. then I got his episodes and it all came back to me. I've been hooked to watching him ever since.  Just saw on YouTube about 2 weeks ago or so you guys make videos for that specific reason lol.! Ok so I'm not only one in the world Haha 😀  This is exactly the sort of stuff I like  paintings and the brush sounds and canvas sounds ect and works for me.. I mean its great natural drug right!! so relaxing…. ahh  anyways thanks Brad and your paintings are amazing you have great talent keep up good work. 

  27. Brad Robbo says:

    @Tammy Toft Late reply: Thank you so much :-)♡

  28. MrArzha says:

    Best tingles in a while ! Thanks !

  29. Awwww :3 I love how you say its just a challenge and not a problem. Its so positive and it totally reminds me of Bob Ross 🙂

  30. You come across as charming, sweet, and witty, all while showing lovely talent and you have a great soft spoken and whispering voice. You are definitely on my playlist now.

  31. yaboiej313 says:

    more palette knife vids plzzz 🙂

  32. Brad, are you making new painting video's?

  33. First of all your paintings are amazing…….
    Hey Brad….did you know that Bob Ross sanded his palette with sandpaper to dull it so it wouldn't reflect the studio lights into the cameras?  I think that also gave his palette more sound when using his palette knife…. Have you experimented with a sanded section on a palette?

  34. I am so Jealous of your skills

  35. You're really pleasant to listen to bud

  36. Mimuo says:

    Woah. It's like Bob Ross but intentionally soothing.

  37. I love this so much, I had a stressful day and I needed to sleep but I couldn't and this video helped me

  38. Firegolem34 says:

    It's the next bob Ross. R.I.P

  39. Y'all should check out Dave Usher.

  40. Zealant says:

    As an artist I felt good watching this and feeling the calm in your process

  41. Such a happy little video that made me happy with all the wonderful sounds you produced. Can’t wait for more of your works of art.

  42. This guy had such a fun personality. Disappointed he disappeared.

  43. When are you gonna stop mixing and start painting?

  44. Mark says:

    Bob ross cuaght in a diffrent form

  45. craig evans says:

    Do you do any tutorials in acrylics? Love your work

  46. Stadtpark90 says:

    1:14 “palette musician” – first video I see of him, and already like the playfulness… edit: although it isn’t going anywhere soon lol