22 Responses

  1. Zax says:

    Your timing is perfect. It's time for a power nap, and I was just about to look for an asmr video.

  2. Stadtpark90 says:

    Today I was sleeping to your videos again, but this time I had a very weird dream.

  3. Stadtpark90 says:

    Btw: have you watched Paintings by Dusan yet? https://youtu.be/gERxTluDWgo yours here is a bit like his I think (street lamps in the rain?)
    The interesting thing is, that he paints a lot of detail with a palette knife: https://youtu.be/GjdYLSFWnoQ – he has dozens and dozens… but all time-lapse and piano music I think.

    Edit: here‘s one with some nice rain sounds https://youtu.be/HQp9Ov28DvE

    I have the impression, that he uses a rougher underground, that more easily takes on the color.
    Bob Ross / William Alexander on the other hand would use „liquid white“ / „magic white“ on the background to paint „wet on wet“.
    (Here’s some William Alexander (- the original Bob Ross so to speak) https://youtu.be/_zFJk4_6HVE – (I guess I already linked to that one in another comment on one of your older videos).

  4. Jivo Hiller says:

    It's incredible what humans can create.

  5. skipping any part of any of your videos is never an option, thank you heaps for making this channel and sharing your art!!! ❤️

  6. Truch says:

    I love watching these painting videos, really makes me want to pull out my old paint supplies

  7. I really like that piece, Taylor! How long does it take for a painting like that to dry?

  8. Cam J says:

    Honestly, I think these maybe might be my favorite videos you do. I mean the role plays are pretty dope and it’s nice to see your personality but it’s cool watching while you’re creating something. How did you learn to paint so well?

  9. Justin L says:

    Knife on canvas is such an amazing sound. The slickness of the paint changing the sound with every pass of the knife … when Bob Ross does a mountain or scrapes the shape of a cabin it’s the best. Thank you for sharing this video!!!

  10. This was really interesting to watch because of the experimentation aspect of your painting. Very much a "let's see what happens if I change THIS". Watching it evolve and seeing the perspective change was entertaining to watch. Great vid!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaand subscribed.

  11. The harsh knife scraping is best.

  12. Dane Parker says:

    Cool video, neighbor. (An Alabamian here. Heard a couple of your other speaking videos, and I think I'm correct in pegging that accent as coming from a particular adjacent state.)

  13. Thank you for this video Taylor

  14. Kvothe says:

    You really have gotten SUPER talented! looks epic

  15. Dark Matter says:

    Tpaints is t best. The 7 minute heads up at the beginning is just another reason why.

  16. Dark Matter says:

    Holy Christ balls this one was so fucking cool.

    The lamps reflecting in the rainy streets, the illumination of the city below.


    I’m actually not sure if it was a flying car, but it is now.

    I ended up intensely watching the entire thing to see where it was going to go next, I completely forgot about ASMR.

  17. Aw Taylor I love your paintings SOOOO much!! My girlfriend is an artist too!! I study architecture. Love relaxing to your viddys man, keeping em coming cause I am having a roughhhhh time in this isolation. The perspective in this painting is just epic! The pattern of the sky and the thickness of the paint makes my heart singgggg!!! God bless ya, love from the UK

  18. Judy Oger says:

    Taylor you like water front city scapes, do you dream that you will live in one of those apartments or condo's on the waterfront one day, looking out on the night lights in the harbor? Keep up the good work woman you spark a story in my head with every act of art you post. Bravo, Bravo.

  19. Talk to us more often! 😀

  20. Markus wolfe says:

    dam girl thts fast, i walk away a few minutes and wala u have a painting…awesome Taylor…….peaceee