PGC Digital: Crazy Labs surpasses 3.5 billion downloads across games library | Pocket


Hypercasual publisher Crazy Labs has surpassed 3.5 billion downloads across its entire games library.

The figure was confirmed by Crazy Labs vice-president of live ops Michal Issachary during her talk at PGC Digital #4 on ‘Hypercasual Live Ops – Building a Data-driven Growth Machine’.

Founded in Israel back in 2000, CrazyLabs possesses offices in China, Macedonia, Germany and Ukraine. The studio’s biggest hits include Tie Dye, ASMR Slicing, Dentist Bling, Soap Cutting and Jumanji: Epic Run.

Across these locations, the company is split up between a casual games lab, a hypercasual games lab and a dedicated “Crazy” lab.

ASMR Slicing actually went on to become the most downloaded game in May 2020.

100 million MAU

During the same presentation, it was confirmed that its games boast 100 million monthly active users, placing the company as one of the top three developers and publishers on the App Store.

Crazy Labs has utilised its success to invest $500,000 in the Indian hypercasual games market, which will involve a revenue share with the publisher for any game developers that join the programme.

PGC Digital #4 will run from November 9th to November 13th. To keep up to date with all of our coverage, check out the roundups here. There’s still time to sign up – to find out more and book a ticket, head to the website.

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