Pokémon ASMR YouTube video offers 15 minutes with Pikachu


As many of us enter a new phase of lockdowns and quarantining, it can be helpful to have a friend like Pikachu to keep us company. The Pokémon Company knows this and delivered a new ASMR video — you know, autonomous sensory meridian response — featuring the lovable little electric type.

Pikachu’s new ASMR video runs about 15 minutes, and features the Pokémon playfully running around a sunlight patio on a lazy afternoon. Between romps, Pikachu gets tuckered out and takes a nap or two. All the while, Pikachu tells you important things, like “Pika!” and “Pika pika!” and “Pikachuuuuu…” But honestly, if you have a low tolerance for hearing Pikachu say “Pikachu,” this might not be all that relaxing.

The Pokémon Company recommends earphones for the optimal effect. And if you’re looking for more Pokémon ASMR videos, there’s more in a YouTube playlist, including one that features Charmander sleeping peacefully by a fire and Squirtle hanging out at the beach.


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