Pókemon’s Grimer Sounds Absolutely Horrific Up Close In This ASMR Video


Have you ever wondered what Grimer sounds like up close? No? Neither had we. But thanks to a new video that we spotted (via Nintendo Life), which was thoughtfully shared by The Pókemon Company, you won’t need to wonder any longer. And because we’ve watched it, we think it’s only fair that we pass it on – sharing is caring, right?

Brace yourself, your eardrums are about to be assaulted by the aural manifestation of the word ‘moist’, and it may well produce just as much discomfort – or flat-out horror. Pro tip: if you really committed and want to surrender yourself to the full force of Grimer’s squelchings, a sturdy headset, preferably with 7.1 surround sound, will be your best friend throughout.

The three-minute video, which you can check out below, stars Grimer (obviously) and starts off as it slides its way sloppily across a smooth surface to produce the most alarming sounds possible. Things escalate fairly quickly though, and soon you’ll see it dropping down a number of shallow steps causing highly disconcerting ‘plopping’ noises.

But it gets worse. Much, much worse.

After traversing what appears to be a pool of loose balls, Grimer slides his way onto a vibrating surface and honestly, there are no words. I mean there are words, clearly, just not ones that should be used here. It’s also at this point that you’ll be glad you chose to use a headset because otherwise, you’ll be getting some really weird looks from anyone within hearing range. It’s almost over though, you’ve done well.

Finally, Grimer gets sucked into a pipe – because of course he does – before being expelled forcefully against a wall with a resounding splat.

So, what have we learned from this entirely disturbing experience? Absolutely nothing, but at least you now know what Grimer sounds like up close, though we doubt you’ll be able to look at him in quite the same way again.

Of course, Pókemon is no stranger to inspiring horrific creations, as our own Ewan discovered when the Food Network Challenge had contestants baking Pókemon-themed cakes.


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