RAW MEAT MUKBANG (eating Lab Grown meat) | ASMR eating sounds no talk

Kluna Tik

➜ I bought meat grown in a laboratorium and ate them in this mukbang video!
➜ SUBSCRIBE: http://goo.gl/n63S8O New video EVERY WEEK!
➜ Hi, I’m Kluna and together with my venus flytrap we eat funny/absurd meals like: mermaids, soap, cement and much more!

➜ Kluna Tik Dinner videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4-ncx89QjT17Jyw0kepjn40BV3UyDZzS
➜ Charlie the Venus Flytrap: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4-ncx89QjT2aDp7tkK5B1pgN5_0xyapy
➜ Kluna & Charlie (Luna tic) eating MINIATURE food: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4-ncx89QjT3pucFqseXch5vRUP_IlSLH

➜ Business enquiries: charlietheflytrap@gmail.com

These videos contain ASMR sounds like: drinking, swallowing, eating, chewing but no talking.
WARNING: Eating is NOT real, DON’T try this at home!
These videos contain ASMR sounds: drinking, swallowing, eating, chewing, but not talking.
WARNING: there is NOT THE PRESENT, DO NOT try this at home!
Have I bought genetically modified fruit or meat?
The scientist made this lab grown meat in a laboratorium (cell culture, GMO), so no animal got hurt / killed for this video.
I bought this raw meat (wagyu, steak, cell cultured meat) to eat and taste for this mukbang food contest video.
I think my vegan followers will love me!
Эти видео содержат звуки ASMR: пить, глотать, есть, жевать, но не разговаривать.
ВНИМАНИЕ: есть НЕ НАСТОЯЩЕЕ, НЕ пробуйте это дома!
Я купил генетически модифицированные фрукты или мясо?
Ученый сделал это выращенное в лаборатории мясо в лаборатории (культивирование клеток, ГМО), поэтому для этого видео ни одно животное не пострадает / не погибнет.
Я купил это сырое мясо (вагю, стейк, мясо, выращенное на клеточных культурах), чтобы съесть и попробовать его на вкус для этого видео конкурса еды mukbang.
Думаю, я понравлюсь моим подписчикам-веганам!
Estos videos contienen sonidos ASMR como: beber, tragar, comer, masticar pero no hablar.
ADVERTENCIA: ¡Comer NO es real, NO intente esto en casa!
¿Compré fruta o carne genéticamente modificada?
El científico hizo esta carne cultivada en laboratorio en un laboratorio (cultivo celular, transgénico) para que ningún animal sea herido / asesinado para este video.
Compré esta carne cruda (wagyu, bistec, carne de cultivo celular) para comerla y probarla para este video de mukbang de concurso de alimentación.
¡Creo que les agradaré a mis suscriptores veganos!
Bu videolar, içmek, yutmak, yemek yemek, çiğnemek ama konuşma gibi ASMR seslerini içeriyor.
UYARI: Yemek yemek gerçek DEĞİLDİR, bunu evde denemeyin!
Genetiği değiştirilmiş meyve veya et mi satın aldım?
Bilim adamları bu Laboratuvarda Yetiştirilmiş eti bir laboratuvarda (hücre kültürü, gmo) yaptı, bu nedenle bu video için hiçbir hayvan zarar görmedi / öldürülmedi.
Bu çiğ eti (wagyu, biftek, hücre kültürlü et) yemek ve tatmak için satın aldım ve bu yeme yarışması mukbang videosu için test ettim.
Sanırım vegan abonelerim benden hoşlanacak!

Autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) is a euphoric experience characterized by a static-like or tingling sensation on the
skin that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine, precipitating relaxation.
It has been compared with auditory-tactile synesthesia.Autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) signifies the subjective
experience of ‘low-grade euphoria’ characterized by ‘a combination of positie feelings, relaxation, and a distinct static-like
tingling sensation on the skin’.It typically begins ‘on the scalp’ before moving ‘down the spine’ to the base of the neck,
sometimes spreading ‘to the back, arms and legs as intensity increases’, most commonly triggered by specific acoustic and
visual stimuli including the content of some digital videos, and less commonly by intentional attentional control.


44 Responses

  1. Kluna Tik says:

    I dont like eating banana buts..

  2. 남이지호 says:


  3. Guys, I found exclusive Kluna Tik videos on Tik Tok. @fostb – here

  4. Kerieda Reid says:

    You are eating it

  5. Bluigi says:

    0:20 wow dude, you killed orange in front of us

  6. WOO i DROO says:

    I watch kluna for the plot

  7. Xd then dont eat Banana Buts Kluna <3

  8. ExoJAJA says:

    What the hell

  9. 유신 says:


  10. Оууу, банан явно похож не на сосиску…

  11. Can you do an eating the corona virus?

  12. Moonwolf0728 says:

    Peta does not like this 😀

  13. alex davies says:

    why do you eat the full thing on the food?

  14. ASMR Foody says:

    Wow🤩😍🤩😍🤩😍🤩😍it is a very strange video!!!!😅😅😅😅😅😅🔥🔥🔥 You always give me the best ideas for my channel ✅🙌🏽 Going to make a new video now☺️☺️☺️😌 Hopefully I will grow my channel to your size someday😌☺️🙌🏽💫

  15. yamo yakanda says:

    Do you eat random things actually if you do then how are your insides aren't destroyed?

  16. hate adolecence say popcorn away shines following mystery firsts mutch beautful ice have wanna like

  17. sam me says:

    Imagine getting a heart and hi to your favorite YouTuber since 2 years ago


  18. Wheng Quiroz says:

    IM 8 soooo lets click

  19. Curtis Bush says:

    You didn't stop but you do you😈😡😈☠💀😭😰

  20. Bro carrots dont have bone

  21. Can you make an among us video

  22. うぐ…ち…ちん…ッ…

  23. Não intendo este vídeo

  24. Solarboy 14 says:

    Why is this so entertaining

  25. Breanna Ivey says:

    That sqeak at 3:26 tho ear bleeding noise

  26. Mini_Chan says:

    If watermelons were really like this, I would eat every day !

  27. The carrot remind me of among us corpse or its just md

  28. Ari _ says:

    Like quien malpenso cuando estaba pelando el plátano xd

  29. Fabi Cardoza says:

    I dont linke😳😳😳😳😳😳😁😂😂😂

  30. Arina A says:

    Я одна тут из Украины? 🗿🔥

  31. Emma savage says:

    I wonder how much money you waste while getting groceries for your vids 🤔🙄

    No offense 😁😅😊

  32. mylena silva says:
