Sketching You, You Turkey | ASMR | Relaxing, Soft spoken, Drawing

Jamie Cornelius ASMR


Sketching You, You Turkey | ASMR | Relaxing, Soft spoken, Drawing


8 Responses

  1. Thumbs up to anyone who calls me a turkey.

  2. RepJock88 says:

    Gobbling the tingles right up!

  3. This video was stuffed full of tingles! 🦃

  4. Cecily Hunt says:

    Dude you literally have perfect hair i am soooooo jealous 😫😫😫

  5. Catharax says:

    I hate to be one of those typical tactless blokes but ughh you're actually so fuckin pretty it's unreal haha. That smile is ridiculous man. Your asmr goes hard too lmao