Skyrim ASMR: The Sounds of Skyrim

LaFave Bros

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38 Responses

  1. burnt toast says:

    loving the BK crown, wish there was a mod for that in the game lol

  2. RFD1996 says:

    Now all we need is the Sounds of Morrowind

  3. Nabesima says:

    Skyrim but characters have sleeping cats on their laps so they have to be quiet.

  4. Zuckerhut says:

    Jarl Balgruuf is rocking that burger king crown tho

  5. ElfSam says:

    B algruuf

  6. Max Hoffman says:

    Me: watching Sounds of Sirodiil
    LaFaveBros: Sounds of Skyrim!

  7. Argyll 123 says:

    Please, please do more of these! I know they dont get crazy views, but they're amazing! Keep up the great work

  8. AF says:

    dat costume design tho X,D Oh my yes!

  9. this is y i love u guys dknt take youtube seriously an when u do lets play u joke around do all the quest lines make jokes during it an being knowledge about the game an the community does as well i didnt know the mother can leave the void but thanks to u guys i came back to me elder scroll ways morrowind oblivion skyrim thanks guys

  10. Never thought I needed but now I'm glad it exists

  11. Naaaahhh, you didn't do the proper "people" in Balgruf's speech. You've gotta really emphasise the "ple" part. "I will not sit idly by while a dragon burns my hold and slaughters my peePLE!"

  12. Venting Show says:

    Just like Oblivion, every NPC in Skyrim sounded like an Arnie impersonator.

  13. Max’s Balgruuf costume is so accurate

  14. Rozz says:

    2:43 – So comfy to hear that, wish someone could whisper that to me in real life.

  15. Me: literally never had an ASMR response in my life
    Emmett: "Eh, lassie?"
    Me: oHh

  16. HH & Mizku says:

    Moremoremoremoremoremore more please :DD
    More please. More?

    Edit// a morrowind one would be awesome

  17. Capu says:

    Gonna wear that tail as a belt!

  18. when the diadem of euphoria makes it to skyrim lol

  19. This was great! The voices were perfect!

  20. If it is not containing " I am sworn to carry your burden ." you can't call it Skyrim Asmr . We want a part two .

  21. "Let me fill your pockets, lass." > Nord pickup line

  22. Smith: "The Companions need the best, so they come to me."

    Me: Looks at malformed spoon on anvil

  23. Will you ever do sounds of Morrowind or is there not enough voices dialogue?

  24. BAGH!



  25. Breton Guard says:

    Clearly the best 3 minutes of my life .

  26. Em barely held it with that stupid Farkas line

  27. Hazrhy Ryan says:

    Haha this is great

  28. Papa Khan says:

    Yes they made another one!!!

  29. Texas Dice says:

    What's the matter? Never seen a STRONG nord woman before?

  30. CDRunner says:

    That Burger King crown XD

  31. g o o b says:

    I've found it,The Holy Grail!

  32. Assiman says:


  33. Vepantteri says:

    These are the only "ASMR" Videos worth watching.

  34. Yeff Jeffrey says:

    The burger king crown is the best costume piece here

  35. Holyshit a blacksmith ASMR roleplay is a great idea

  36. theseat says:

    Great crown, Bjurgar Jarl.

  37. Joseph Ellis says:

    Can't wait for sounds of morrowind

  38. Malkovich says:

    Sounds of Morrowind?