Sleep and Relaxation Nature Sounds, Crickets Summer Night – Sleep Music

Acerting Art

Crickets at night 10 hours to fall asleep fast. Recording of a peaceful summer night in Georgia, very relaxing, recommended for meditation, relaxation or study purposes. Click here to download in MP3 now:

Crickets sound is the most typical and soothing sound of the forest sounds in summer. In this video you will listen in High-Fidelity audio the crickets chirping at night in summer to help you to sleep.

BTW, I give you useful information about crickets to break a mith: they chirp with their wings, not their legs! 😮

The sound emitted by crickets is commonly referred to as chirping; the scientific name is stridulation. Usually only the male crickets chirp, however some females crickets do as well. The sound is emitted by the stridulatory organ, a large vein running along the bottom of each wing, covered with “teeth” (serration) much like a comb. The chirping sound is created by running the top of one wing along the teeth at the bottom of the other wing. As the male cricket does this, he also holds the wings up and open, so that the wing membranes can act as acoustical sails. It is a popular myth that the cricket chirps by rubbing its legs together. ( Wikipedia )

I hope you’ll enjoy it. Use headphones for a better experience. Sleep Well 🙂

Relaxing Music channel. Videos every week with nature sounds for your yoga meditation. You will listen piano music, classical music, nature sounds, and all the universal sounds to relax, meditate and clean the mind.

Thumbs up if you like the cricket sound !

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Venus and The Night Sky Over Mammoth


42 Responses

  1. Acerting Art says:

    Listen this video offline, when you want, where you want, without ads. Click here to download in MP3 now:

  2. Mr. Veys says:

    While i listening to it, i feel so relax and free

  3. I fell asleep with my iPad on, and it wasn’t plugged in (charging) and next morning, I was 3 hours in, and at 52% ;-;

  4. The cicada shall henceforth be referred to as Jeremy

  5. J Gri says:

    Cicadas are relaxing

  6. get out of the comment section and go to sleep you’ve gotta get up early tomorrow and you know that

  7. Tessa Cavey says:

    I love these sounds ❤️❤️❤️❤️ They remind me of staying at Marmon Valley and falling asleep under the stars to the crickets chirping and watching the stars shoot past. It was absolutely amazing……. ❤️🤩😍❤️

  8. alfon m says:

    Bruh I can hear someone breathing or is it just me wtf

  9. im a 90s baby and had the best childhood you could think of. me and the neighbor kids used to play outside at this park we called "big slide park" that had this huge metal slide. we would get a bucket and fill it with small rocks and pour them down the slide to make a "thunder storm." we used to play watermelon on that slide and since it was so long half the block's kids would be able to sit on it, our legs dangling from the edges, tickling little bushes, swatting away at mosquitos. our moms would bring food in plastic aldi bags and styrofoam coolers and sit under the pavilion calling for us periodically to eat watermelon, popsicles, other snacks. we would smack each other with our sticky sweet hands as cherry and orange popsicle juice dripped down to our elbows. i had a baggy white lion king T-shirt that i adored and would always wear to the park since i already got it dirty. we didn't have much money growing up so we had nowhere else but this park to go to and have fun. when it got dark, we would roll down the grassy hill and lay down, try to catch lightening bugs, listening to sounds like this video. we would eventually be rounded up, hosed down in the parking lot of our apartment building to rid of the dirt and grass, scrubbed in the bathtub, and dressed in rugrats pajamas. then we would watch pocahontas or lion king or aladdin or beauty and the beast, until we fell asleep to the hum of the ceiling fan and the sticky breeze coming in from the windows. life happened, my father left us and we moved to a completely different state. im an adult now and recently went back to this park as i moved back to the same state. what seemed like disney world when i was a child, looks so small now, just an ordinary park with rusty swings. but i will always remember how magical this was and how slow time seemed to pass back then. and thank god the big slide is still there just as i remembered it <3

  10. ZOMG1103 says:

    Moving from the country into the city, I never realized how much I would miss the crickets.

  11. Lani Snyder says:

    This is amazing! This has allowed me to bring a little bit of Georgia here with me to Utah. The nights in this desert are just to dang quiet!

  12. Dennis Lee says:

    I didn't read through all the comments but did anybody mention that part of this recorded sound is a low level machine hum or rumble. An air conditioner or a pool pump takes up a substantial portion of what you hear. Now the insect portion is just about right, crickets and kattydids but the machine noise is maddening. It's a shame but I bet most folks filter that part of the sound out. There are other brief moments of water rippling or something clunking (maybe the mic is moved?)

    Our five senses are the body's witnesses to the world. Smells, colors, tastes, skin sensations like cold, hot or itching and of course sound. Those witnesses gather the available details and our brains interpret and give meaning to what is taken in.
    Each one of us interprets differently. Some find the sounds intolerable, some find deep peace. I'm caught inbetween. I also think about the crickets and wonder why they feel the need to chirp all night. Same with the kattydids. I'm guessing they all are trying to get laid.

  13. These sounds made me get in my feels, but these comments just made me remember my good times as well. I’ve never seen a comment section like this one.

  14. CJ says:

    Used to live in the Philippines, but now in Cali, I miss those nights after a rainy day, all you hear is frogs and crickets with the little tiny drops of rain coming from the roof of the house… 😌

  15. This reminds me of when I was kid and the days when I along with my family went to a my dad's village in Kerala. Where you could look at the sky and actually see hundreds and thousands of stars and sometimes if I were lucky, I'd see a firefly too. After a simple meal of porridge and dried fish, all of us go to sleep in a single room. I used to lay down and listen to the crickets wishing they would stop. And now here I am tuning into a youtube video wishing for the simpler days. It feels like I'm in some rat race, living alone in a foreign country, away from family and friends. Its 3.36 am and am writing away this to literally no one!

  16. Sounds just like a southern summer night.

  17. And then halfway through the moaning sounds will play

  18. • Rei • says:

    I was just struggling with something and was shaking and crying. I grabbed some warm milk, laid in my bed with my bear, put on my hoodie, even sprayed some of the perfume my mom used to use on the sleeve of my hoodie, and now I’m listening to this to help me stop shaking. It’s helping. I love these types of videos because they can help so much.

  19. I CAN'T EXPLAIN IT: I've been living here 10yrs and though warmer seasons offer similar sounds whatever you did to record this really nails the experience – – In this peculiar time we're living in; I'm comforted in the weirdest of ways – – I know it's a wave-audio but my mind is at ease as if I were in the field itself – – I haven't slept yet but it's because Iike I'm OUTSIDE; I played my riq with the background and it was so easier to pattern rhythm, and at the same time I had more clarity of sound so that the sounds of the drum or jingle were never overwhelming my senses – – Thank you!! 😇😇😇😇😇😇😇

  20. redluc14n says:

    Back when I didn't live in a city, I never thought twice about these sounds. Boy, how I miss em.

  21. Izzy Benita says:

    it is currently 4:28 am

  22. aster n. says:

    I can't believe I went and looked this up with my own two hands

  23. Alex Kemos says:

    This made my late evening awesome and so relaxing!

  24. Michael ._. says:

    I wish that I could live by the woods again to hear this

  25. P Rigual says:

    Georgia is the native place of…Shawnee ?

  26. tom080955 says:

    How come this is soooo good to hear? ..them n frogs….I love it but can’t explain it

  27. I work night shift, and its 10 am in the morning.
    nvm its not that late.

  28. Maake Klein says:

    Reminds me of beautiful Barbados at night.

  29. Phil Melone says:

    I listen to this every night now to sleep 😴

  30. I wish I heard this at night

  31. Kevin López says:

    Everything was ok until they added the sheep like sounds 😑

  32. Its literally 7am and for a person who sleeps that late this is an amazing option.
    good night/(morning?) 😉

  33. This is the only sound that genuinely feels like a night at home on a summer night. I can feel the outside humidity coming inside while the AC is still on. Best sleep sound on here!

  34. holly says:

    i miss everything and im scared for the future. i want happiness and peace. i love these soudns

  35. Great video. We have been working on our own nature sounds video, but you re the king =)

  36. Lii says:

    This is what it sounds like rn

  37. rat attack says:

    this reminds me of summers at my grandparents house when I was young. how badly I wish to go back to then, spending all day by the pool and half the night by a bonfire. to be young and innocent once again, without a worry in the world.

  38. C WK says:

    What the hell is wrong with people!~ They're friggin crickets lol You want to hear some noise at night, spend some time in Michigan's Upper Peninsula (or wherever for crying out loud). Even in the cities crickets and Katydids can be deafening at night. Whatever people, get a grip! I'm curious about the one bright star or planet? I wonder if that's Polaris (the North Star).

  39. 2020 April Anyone , just me, 👌🏼