Soft Spoken ASMR French Lesson ❤ Teaching you French Part 2


Turn this ASMR video on before bed & learn french in your sleep hehe ❤ Thanks for watching & let me know what other ASMR videos I should make! ❤ Catch …


31 Responses

  1. Vincent says:

    Wonderful video

  2. benji says:

    Rassurez moi je suis pas le seul français ici ?

  3. caccioman says:

    I once met in Paris a french lady on the toilet bc I somehow failed to close the door properly… after that it was ~ 1000 times „je suis desolée!“ – „non, moi je suis desolee!“….. pdr

  4. FK 148 says:

    3 am 19:03 i hope you do youre homework.
    ME: (×_×)

  5. RemzySeven 7 says:

    Omg date me jk I'm to young but wait a couple of years jk no one likes me and I'm gay ahaha jk end my clucking life u look like my crush alot and no one like me so yeeeeeeeeet

  6. J adore ton asmr 😁

  7. GOD of ART says:


    CUS I UNDERSTAND ENGLISH et JE comprend aussi le français. Non mais putain ces tros fastoche le français😉

  8. KirzeyGaming says:

    It's funny how you say "nous avons", you're saying it like you're having a brain bug "nous a-vons" haha

  9. Your voice is beautiful, j'adore aussi ton français ! 😍

  10. Code Game says:

    C est pas pour rien que la langue française est l une des plus belle langue du monde ^^

  11. Bonjour tout le monde j’adore ton asmr pokimane😁❤️ j’espère que tu passeras une super journéé✌️❤️Je suits anglais pour btw😅🤣revoir🤟🤗

  12. Tout le monde est français donc sa sert a rien

  13. Ghost-TacOps says:

    Poki: I hope you do your homework. 📚

    Me: ha ha ha… I wish😢

  14. Adande R says:

    I suffer from insomnia and it can cause me to loose concentration in class and this lowkey helps me get to sleep and I can’t thank you enough 🙂 it’s so good because these videos help so many different people in different ways and this is just my way so keep it up, when you actually do 😂

  15. Ferme ta guel s’il te plaît merci 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤬😍

  16. I don't speak french, but sah quel plaisir!

  17. AMH Clips says:

    French is kind of like arabic

  18. I was born in France and can’t speak French. I have been trying to learn, hopefully this can help me fulfill the legacy of my French blood that I never could.

  19. While you guys are here learning french, i came here bc ph was down

  20. When you learn French by reading the different languages in the peel of Crayola crayons

    Yeah,this is big brain time

  21. Danish Mun says:

    Poki : let's learn French
    Me : daga kotowaru

  22. je parler la baguette

  23. A 10:53.. Évite la prochaine fois, merci.
    Je rappelle qu'il s'agit de faire une vidéo en français donc on respecte ok ?
    Merci c'est cool, au revoir.