Soothing Rain Sounds with Distant Train Horn Sounds To Sleep To | Sleeping Sounds | 10 Hours

The Relaxation Station

This video features 10 Hours of soothing rain sounds with distant train horn sounds, sounds to sleep to, sleeping sounds to help you relax into deep restful sleep.

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The Relaxation Station – Offering the best, most relaxing sounds to help you relax more quickly, meditate more deeply and sleep more soundly. We have a wide variety of relaxing sleep sounds, nature sounds, and meditations.

Our goal is simply to help bring you to deeper state of peace and relaxation, which can be especially useful while meditating, doing yoga or just trying to unwind for the day and get ready for sleep. The environmental and nature sounds have been recorded in high quality and enhanced to provide the best experience possible.

Here’s some of the categories and playlists available to enjoy…

♦ Sleep Sounds, Ambient Sounds and White Noise ♦
Sounds of the ocean along with the sounds of whales singing in the background or the sounds of the beach with seagulls or the sounds of rain and rumbling thunder are all environmental sounds that have a calming effect on the nervous system and mind and help to promote deep restful sleep. We call these sleep sounds or sounds for sleep because when you listen to them the stress from the day begins to melt away, your mind begins to feel more calm and you quickly begin to feel sleepy and ready for deep satisfying sleep. These sounds can help soothe and calm those with an overactive mind or insomnia as well as provide a gentle lullaby for your baby or toddler to fall asleep to.

In addition, all of our ambient or white noise sound recordings can help block out other noises in your environment so that once you fall asleep, you stay asleep and end up having a more restful nights’ sleep. We have a nice variety of ambient sounds and white noise, such as: crackling fire, cave drips and drops, air conditioner, fan sounds, air vent sounds, dryer sounds, brown noise, pink noise and soothing white noise.
Playlist ►

♦ Nature Sounds ♦
If you like the sounds of nature and wildlife, there is something here for you, which includes; Forest Birds, Singing Birds, Summer Evening Nature Sounds, Summer Afternoon Birds, Evening Nature Sounds and the tranquility of some Frogs. These can be listened to any time of day and provide nice, relaxing background noise or ambient nature atmosphere.

Nature is like an orchestra, each insect or nature sound impacts the overall “song” of that recording. Frogs, crickets, katydid, grasshoppers and the ambient sounds of nature can help you feel more relaxed and more in touch with nature, which can help you feel more at ease and ready for a good nights sleep.
Playlist ►

Hope you enjoy!


37 Responses

  1. I loved a man that worked for the railroad, and much to my surprise, my sister and my best friend also married train men.  I reckon it runs in the family. I would love to have a Norfolk  Southern model engine.  Just the engine would work for me.

  2. Rick Manning says:

    Reminds of when I was a kid and the train would clack by in the rain and lull me to sleep,great thankyou.

  3. Qween Leo says:

    My lil baby sister love to hear this when she go to sleep

  4. Carlo Reyna says:

    the places i've lived make me desire a roaring subway/light rail train and occasionally a train crashing as it's being built

  5. vern wallen says:

    My x-gal pal loved too"pull a train"!!lol

  6. Topspeed350 says:

    Goodnight thank you.

  7. Love this! Can the sounds of the distant train horns be a little more frequent? Otherwise…this is perfect!! Love the combination of rain, thunder and distant train horns! Either way…thank U!

  8. yeet says:

    The rain sounds like I'm trying to sleep outside I think it's a little to loud lol

  9. I hear a K5LA horn but idk if the horn is from an Amtrak train or NS train

  10. Finally someone who thinks trains horns are soothing

  11. Rick Manning says:

    the rains great but the train not near enough horrrn

  12. Zane Spencer says:

    The trains are great in this one. The rain is horrible. It sounds like a garden hose pounding water against a plastic skylight. I find the rain so irritating that it prevents me from sleeping.

  13. So nice thank you

  14. Reminds me of being at home at my mom's,hearing the distant train going through town in the rain. We slept like babies.

  15. That K5 in the beginning

  16. Dank L says:

    Nice rain with K5LA in background

  17. Love the train sounds, grew up listening to the trains at night.

  18. if I turn the rain sound down enough to be comfortable, I can't hear the train horns……

  19. David Pair says:

    I got a fever, and the only prescription is more distant train horns.

  20. My granny lived along the B&O railroad close by the Potomac. For me it goes back to my best memories of my childhood, I'm there if only in my dreams.

  21. Windsor Kid says:

    Sounds too much like someone in the shower with trains nearby.

  22. J. Lo says:

    V E R Y distant train horns!

  23. This is BRILLIANT thank you. I used to live in Missouri near a railroad and train yard. I find it hard to sleep missing these sounds. We used to have 1 mile long trains leaving Springfield and the other end probably arriving in the next town before they left us!
    Love the rain
    Love the train!
    Period!!! thanks.

  24. J M says:

    Fucking Muslims are ruining Europe

  25. I live not to far from a crossing and every night i hear the horn from the perfect distance

  26. steemdup says:

    i love the combo of rain and distant train horns at night, but this rain is bothering me because it sounds like the window is open, and I just want to get up and close it. 🙁

  27. The rain shouldn't be so loud. I love the sound of the train horns, though, and I don't think I've found any other video that does it.

  28. Grace Cruser says:

    Thank you so much I needed this

  29. Grace Cruser says:

    When I moved it was hard for me to sleep not hearing that train in the back ground. This has helped my sleep a lot!

  30. Lorelei King says:

    The rain is too loud…otherwise I like it.

  31. Hank Austin says:

    Sounds like someone taking a shower with a train going by.. not relaxing at all.. imo

  32. dr phil says:

    I LOVED TRAIN SOUNDS. My dad hates the horn and couldn't sleep and I legit thought I was the only human who found train blaring noises really soothing 🤤

  33. Idc what anyone says train horns take me back ah the nostalgia

  34. Bob Clark says:

    more distant horn less rain please the distant horn is relaxing without the rain

  35. Sunny Skyez says:

    I love to fall asleep to a distant train. Its the most soothing sound ever.

  36. CurtFM says:

    Tbh this would be heaven if i heard this irl