Spray Paint Art – Meteors and Planet – ASMR


Want a painting of your own? I offer $5 4x6inch paintings on Fiverr.com. Check it out here, and consider ordering your own: …


30 Responses

  1. josh west says:

    if you use the double coat cans that are like 1 dollar more the spraypaint turns out a lot better.

  2. Moon Cat says:

    Amélia des do primeiro vídeo seu que eu vi já amei seu trabalho 😍😍😍

  3. ??? some1 plz explain this to me

  4. radha radhu says:

    u r superb… can u plz tel me is it a canvas or paper which is used???

  5. Remember to shake your cans everytime your gonna spray, and also if you want you can spray to the air before you spray to the painting, just so you can avoid the paint drops, just a little spray so you don't waste a lot of paint :3

  6. my only advise is to watch other experienced painters over and over and over and over and over. most beginners learn from watching and copying or following along with the master. but practice will make you better but not on your own i'm afraid. you need guidance, direction and perseverance. unfortunately I wasn't born with artistic talent, but I practice over and over and I watch the masters and I practice over and over and I follow along with techniques in order to perfect whatever it is I want to accomplish. all the best.

  7. Been really enjoying your videos. I just started myself. Literally did my first painting last night. And it was all good until I started trying to use clear coat and it dripped all over the place…

  8. One good pointer, to prevent paint spitting do the first spray away from the canvas and then proceed to spray the canvas. Also try to end your spraying away from the canvas because as you stop spraying they can at times spit again.

    Other than that great work, with time you will be a great spray paint artist like Porfirio Jimenez and some others.

  9. definitely liking the background blending from pink into dark blue.  Please check out my channel and tell me what you think

  10. I got scared at first but you amazing really 😄👍🏻

  11. thought, the whole thing was, to getting pleasure and the satisfaction of the art just remember, critics you started this one time or another. Try encourging not knocking down . Helping makes masterpieces.

  12. AREAL2ND says:

    I got a ad of people shooting. My ear drums are gone.

  13. What is the name of her base? The white one

  14. Can i know..what type of paper u use

  15. Boa noite…
    Virei sua fã
    Posso usar qualquer um
    Para pintar

  16. Linus says:

    I think this picture was great and i love the background, only thing i feel is that the planet looks a bit out of place without the shading

  17. MCO says:

    great work! picked up some tips, thanks!

  18. can this be done on a paint canvas

  19. Bob Ross says:

    What kind of paper do you use? it makes everything look shiny 😀
    edit: nvm, read the descripition

  20. I wouldn’t have filmed that and uploaded it, nothing special and you can’t paint meteors

  21. Nice work man. I just got back into spray painting and doing art about 6 weeks ago…you definitely gave me some great ideas…keep up the awesome work brother.

    Aaaaand you just got a new sub 🎨💪

  22. Dean Hunt says:

    Good work amelia ..keep it up . Ignore the moaners.x

  23. Mario Guzman says:

    love the creativity, amazing but video was a little boring because there was no music

  24. Monkeybeasts says:

    my 2 questions. how much do you spend on spray paint and how much do you usually sell these for?

  25. 下手くそすぎんだろwwww