STARCH 😱/ CRUNCH BOXES 🎉 / КРАХМАЛ 👻/ ХРУСТЯЩИЕ КОРОБОЧКИ 🎁/ Satisfying Asmr sounds / Асмр видео


STARCH 😱/ CRUNCH BOXES 🎉 / КРАХМАЛ 👻/ ХРУСТЯЩИЕ КОРОБОЧКИ 🎁/ Satisfying Asmr sounds / Асмр видео

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Автономная сенсорная меридиональная реакция (АСМР) (англ. Autonomous sensory meridian response, ASMR) — возникший в интернет-культуре термин, обозначающий феномен восприятия, характеризующийся отчётливым приятным ощущением покалывания в коже головы или других частях тела в ответ на определённые зрительные, слуховые и (или) когнитивные стимулы (называемые АСМР-триггерами).

Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR), sometimes Auto Sensory Meridian Response, is an experience characterized by a static-like or tingling sensation on the skin that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine. It has been compared with auditory-tactile synesthesia and may overlap with frisson.

#asmr #asmrsoap #asmrvideo #asmrstrips #soapstrips #асмр #асмрмыло #асмрвидео #асмрзвуки #asmrsounds #sounds #asmrtriggers #triggers #satisfying #retrosoap #vintagesoap #bigknife #littleknife #cuttingsoap #soapcutting #режумыло


13 Responses

  1. Soap boxes filled with plates,curls and starch…ur gold stickers…😍😍…Such a colorful presentation…Its seriously amazing…Those extra starch crunches at the end…loved it…💜💙💚💛

  2. This is amazing 🥰🥰🥰 still watching but love it

  3. That little I love u at the end..😅😅
    Love u 2 dear…❤❤

  4. Erin Haga says:

    That looks really awesome but can you please turn up the volume more??

  5. Very happy sounds 😍😍❤️❤️

  6. Wowwwww 🤩🤩🤩Wonderful Idea with soaps!!! Loveeeee the cool colours ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜Plates😍Starch💥👏🏻🤤A total satisfying package of soap 🧼

  7. Kiwie Perso says:


  8. Fuad Hasanov says:


  9. Б .П says:


  10. Explore ASMR says:

    💜💙💚🧡🤍 incredible crushing plates and boxes with starch is one of my faves!

  11. Anne Dixon says:

    Loved the soap plates, boxes and curls but had to give the 👎🏽 because of the starch. I personally don’t like the starch and soap vids. I feel like the starch takes away from the crunchiness of the soap which why I started watching these asmr vids, that’s my personal opinion though. Other than that good job on the colors and crunch I was able to hear before the starch.