The Cuomo Brothers Giving Each Other a Hard Time Is Pandemic ASMR




Andrew Cuomo is the Governor of New York, leading the charge in the nation’s epicenter for our current pandemic. Andrew’s brother, Chris, is the host of a CNN news program. He has tested positive, and he has spent the last couple of days battling fever and hallucinations, including that of his brother in a ballet outfit.

Chris is clearly a little on the delirious side, as you can see by the way he almost maniacally laughs at his own jokes. Despite his illness, however, Chris is feeling very fortunate right now to have the family and support system that he does.

Here, Chris expresses pride in his older brother for not raining hell down on the federal government, when that is probably what every instinct he has is telling him to do. Both brothers know that picking a fight with the President during a pandemic will only make matters worse (afterward, on the other hand … )

At the end of the day, though, they’re just two brothers who love each other, and who are proud of each other, battling on either side of a plague.

You will not be surprised to learn that our current situation is affecting the mental health of at least half of America right now. Therapists say that the best things to do to manage our anxiety is to write down our fears and/or express them to a loved one. Me? I combat anxiety with interviews with Dr. Fauci, the daily press conferences with our CDC director Dr. Nirav Shah, Better Call Saul, and interviews between the Cuomo Brothers.

Dustin is the founder and co-owner of Pajiba. You may email him here, follow him on Twitter, or listen to his weekly TV podcast, Podjiba.

Header Image Source: CBSN

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