The Dinner

YouTube Movies

Based on Herman Koch’s international bestselling novel, Oren Moverman’s THE DINNER is a dark psychological thriller about a fierce showdown between two couples during the course of an ornately prepared meal at a fancy restaurant. When Stan Lohman (Richard Gere), a popular congressman running for governor, invites his troubled younger brother Paul (Steve Coogan) and his wife Claire (Laura Linney) to join him and his wife Katelyn (Rebecca Hall) for dinner at one of the town’s most fashionable restaurants, the stage is set for a tense night. While Stan and Paul have been estranged since childhood, their 16-year- old sons are friends, and the two of them have committed a horrible crime that has shocked the country. While their sons’ identities have not yet been discovered and may never be, their parents must now decide what action to take. As the night proceeds, beliefs about the true natures of the four people at the table are upended, relationships shatter, and each person reveals just how far they are willing to go to protect those they love. A riveting story filled with many shocking twists and turns, THE DINNER is a chilling parable about the savage reality hidden beneath the surface of middle-class lives.


27 Responses

  1. This is 2020. Truth is, this is a form of recent news. The Homeless has beaten to death in alleys by wild crazed youth gangs. No reason, just territory, just disrespect for the human life of another being, in your path, in your way to whatever you crave at the moment. The thought that you must survive at winning, at all costs. It matters not the position in life, of the victim, nor the deranged criminal. Insanity! We have failed as a society if we excuse acts like this.

  2. ending spoiler

    Great movie, real thought provoking. Excellent cast, script, acting. Not likeable characters, but believable. LOT of privilege on display, but I think in this situation, most parents would be with Kate and Clair. Their kids are spoiled brats. The killing results from the demonisation of the poor in america. The kids didn't invent it, but they've absorbed it from their surroundings. They are invincible teenagers and they eff right up. They should absolutely atone for the crime, but the payment should be humane, and they should come out of it better people. But the corrections system in America is set up to break people, not fix them. It would destroy those kids, as it destroys the poor kids who get sucked into it for whatever reason.

    As a poor person, if my son does this exact same thing, I don't want him going to prison. I want him to learn, to be sorry, to grow and to be a good adult. Prison won't do that. It should but it won't. So I get everyone on here saying they should do their time, pay the price, but you have to recognise that you live in a compassionless system. That's what created the crime in the first place. You can only repair the damage with care and compassion, not with fear and cruelty. This is true for everyone, not just the rich, not just the poor. Everyone deserves a chance at rehabilitation, and if you're honest, this is what you would do if you were in this situation, to the limit that your level of privilege allows. You would do what you could to keep your kids out of the system.

    I think the passing of the vote at the end shows which way this goes. The Senator was expecting to lose the vote, and was set to resign, so he was prepared to turn his son in and take the consequences. Winning the vote seemed to galvanise him, and I think he'd be more receptive to keeping it quiet and running for Governor. Just my thoughts. No, not very nice people. Apes. Hominids. Tribe.

  3. Nora Lee says:

    Way terrible ending, but no surprise. Money and status get things expedited fast. I liked Richard Gere's character till he doubled down because of his trophy wife.. Lame!! Otherwise Awesome movie!!

  4. E Migs says:

    the one kid acting like a future serial killer..

  5. E Migs says:

    im still waiting for the ending.

  6. Omg… sibling rivalry for sure!! Mother slapped him so hard.. into unconscious!! Im on the floor…laughing!!!

  7. SJ M says:

    Summary – All 3 kids are casualties of 2 dysfunctional families. One father suffers from untreated mental illness, enabled and manipulated by his wife and cannot make a rational decision; it’s both sad and abhorrent. The other father wants to do the right thing but postpones a decision, succumbing to pressure from his wife, sister-in-law and thoughts of his political career. A conclusion / solutions, which many seem to have been expecting, is pointless. The story revolves around the characters and their flaws. The ending simply adds an additional layer of potential (horrific) complexity to an already unfathomable situation, leaving the audience to wonder what these people will do next. That said, the movie is painfully long. The performances, however, are stellar.

  8. So mamy people in the comments blaming parental raising. Tgen why wasn't Bo like the other two kids? It's the genes. Psychopathic, sociopathic & narcissistic genes are passed down to children of such. Add to the fact they didn't get those kids help from an early age.

  9. LadyNicky007 says:

    Thanks for the comments people… I’m tired & ill tempered today…😒 So I think I should avoid this movie for now… A good comedy would be better…

    Be safe..

  10. I’m not even sure I got what happened at the end…

  11. What the hell kind of ending was that!

  12. Brad Hicks says:

    I read through all the comments and no one brought up symbolism. Just a thought that the kids primarily seemed pissed off that the wretched homeless woman was causing their experience of accessing their money to be unpleasant. Not preventing it, just soiling it. What about it being set in that most pretentious restaurant? Not just a very nice one but completely immersed in elaborate foodie culture. The olive oil had provenance!

  13. Are you kidding me? Did that movie just end? …What?

  14. I am a little over 1/2 of this movie and it makes no sense whatsoever… these actors must be short on money or offers or both!!! I have a bad feeling it's one of those movies that makes you mad for having wasted time….just read some of the comments… I think I will pass and save the rest of my evening. Thanks for the warnjng

  15. Oh yes Another Touch of gold by Oren Moverman, what I mean by that is seeming that everything Oren touches has a mark of class and definitely top drawer vibe to it. Oren is a rather unknown inconspicuous character in the fields of directors, and while he's only directed three other projects that I'm aware of this is no less an effort and display of disciplined skills developed over his rather abrupt taking of the director's chair, yes he has been around since 91 ish but really just small uncredited acting positions, invisible parts from which he managed to work his way through the mazes of this career and soon enough found himself with many of "thanks credits" among those many uncredited positions. I can only surmise that his writing skills are or was his door key to a continued climb of responsibility and participating efforts, wherein 2009 I think it was is when his first effort as a director in "the messenger" appears, and its a noteworthy first accomplishment. so his directing career has really been short-lived and in the last 10 years I sure wish he had been doing more, I wonder if Family life or something else took him out of the loop just a little as his skills are not by accident, sure every blind dog finds a bone once, but this man shows he has the skill and the interpersonal stamina to direct a couple, difficult actors who will remain nameless here. Frankly, all things being equal for myself I would have turned down this director's chair for the presence of just one actress on the set. However, he was or is the SP writer here so he was inside from the conception.
    EDIT:} Yes Jenny its me. JTH. LOL. I'm a director and producer myself of a different arena than Mr. Moverman to be sure. But we share the same passion that brings, drags, pushes, calls us all to the set and studio, Now myself for 40 years and with 27 credits as such I would consider Orens work art, not a formulated approach. Truly his calling is the director's chair, And of course, writing. The director's chair is a desire by many, few can wear it and own it. I don't know what he's like to work with but I imagine he must be pretty pleasant and of a dynamic personality, As he gets the job done and it looks like he gets it done in budget as well.
    And in one form or another, he stays fairly busy. I would have wished for more Director credits from him but there are so many variables that can influence these things.
    I Do appreciate Oren's work it has a very specific kind of vibe to it and I knew it was Oren's as soon as I noted the takes he was getting from Steven Coogan. Well, I realized it was not just anyone and was not surprised to see it was Oren's work. Good job Mister Moverman I'd like to see you do some more directing feature-length Motion Pictures. Maybe even a serious documentary+ I know documentaries used to be kind of a "B" class in the stack of reels, however, documentaries are now becoming very respected and are justifying the call of good directors. And let's not forget the Editors, without these guys some of the worst cuts can be canned from great takes.

    A passing thought: I can't help but wonder what Oren's honest feelings are about his efforts here? In truth, I might guess he is not the happiest he would like to be, Its something very obscure that brings me to that thought. If you are out the Oren let us know in a reply if you would brother.
    And good call Jenny! LOL

  16. Watch another free YouTube movie called They Call Us Monsters. It might help explain the kids behavior.

  17. melvina628 says:

    The Adams Family and The Munsters.

  18. Randy Rice says:

    The last scene proved how mentally ill all them are. The irony of his mental health bill passing at that point is the whole point of the movie. I get the point, but I hated the movie. Every single character in the movie is deplorable. What a waste of time.

  19. BJ White says:

    Can I get a cheese burger, extra lettuce and fries. Ant a glass of iced tea.

  20. I am at 1 hr 5 seconds…. where is this movie going???

  21. Leyland Ryan says:


  22. David K says:

    I can't stand this movie.