The Sounds of Shoe Cobbling | Unintentional ASMR

Trenton & Heath

In this video, we resole a pair of Allen Edmonds Dalton boots. We frequently receive requests to show a refurbishment video without commentary, so in this video …


40 Responses

  1. i definitely would have worn those longer before resoling

  2. Larry Thorn says:

    Anybody know what the bottle of liquid is that he puts on the old sole before pulling it off? I'm guessing not water… Something to soften the old glue?

  3. Lea Nyland says:

    That was super cool 🙂

  4. Kat Tea says:

    At 14 or so, much like shoeing a horse

  5. David M. says:

    It would be great if there was a button that could turn the commentary on/off.i would like to hear what you have to teach yet also watch without the distraction of commentary. Sure, I could turn down the sound, but it is not the same as hearing the sounds of your work. There is learning in that too. Please keep producing your outstanding videos!

  6. ALEXxpress3 says:

    More ASMR please…..👍🏻

  7. ALEXxpress3 says:

    Do 2nd channel…..Trenton and Heath ASMR

  8. Kayla C says:

    So does that metal piece on the toe have a purpose or is it just for decoration.

  9. ForestChorus says:

    your poor nail! I'm sure that blood blister hurt like a bitch

  10. watching this on 2x speed
    he so fast

  11. cudder mist says:

    Now this is what I call mens asmr

  12. me falling asleep not really knowing whats going on: ah yes,,,, brushie the shoe

  13. i'm afraid of becoming a cobbler as i might fall asleep listening to myself work

  14. The Captain says:

    I like the commentary!

  15. Stuffy McGee says:

    How much did this particular modification cost?

  16. I’m guessing but I’m sure that’s daddy potter in the back ground. They knew better to ask him to not talk lol. I’m from Alabama so I know you wld rather sand paper a bears ass then to tell ur parents to be quiet. Haha love the videos

  17. Mike IsCore says:

    Am I the only one that wants to scrape all that glue off the outside of the jar.

  18. Gobsnachaz says:

    That shoe sole looked fine to me before you even began haha

  19. Enjoyable. Gave me the chance to go over everything I've learned watching you guys. But I still missed your southern drawls…😊

  20. Loved it! Wonderful quiet between pleasant sounds. Thank you.

  21. Junniper says:

    This was awesome! I came for the asmr but will most certainly return tomorrow to learn as much as I can about what you're doing. I guess I'll be spending all day tomorrow learning about shoes!

  22. Dip Image says:

    Gorgeous!!!!!!!! From you I understod how wrong I was doing it, the "care" for my shoes…

  23. ian reiser says:

    For some reason "mute" art is really boomin on youtube.

  24. 10:23 what’s that machine called ?🐼

  25. Also , what is the metal piece at the end of those shoes for ?

  26. barrettgpeck says:

    Please enlighten me on why the brass toe piece? I am only familiar with cowboy boots that get beaten to oblvion. Seems out of my tax bracket.

  27. Kris Chavez says:

    ASMR ? I have no further requests. Thanks Trenton, Heath.

  28. You guys never mentioned anything about cracked leather if it could be repaired, if a pair of leather shoes has a crack in it can it be repaired?

  29. John Goard says:

    Prefer the commentary versions personally.

  30. Arthur Kurtz says:

    Wonderful job, as always, gentlemen!

  31. Watching him tear apart the boots I got scared and had to skip to the end to make sure he was able to put them back together

  32. pillzhere says:

    I need more of this plz !!!!

  33. This is a very noble profession, and these two gentlemen are highly distinguished.

  34. Loved the video. Cheers! I have so many questions but the best one I think is "How long does a rebuild like this last with general use?"

  35. Mk Ruiz V says:

    Dudes, i love this channel and your work, but don't make this kind of video until you've got a better microphone and a way to clean the audio. Thanks, keep up the good work.

  36. Ito Fermin says:

    These sounds should be available in the iTunes website 🎶🎶🎶

  37. Hey is your finger ok?

  38. zzzeus78 says:

    When you see videos like this, you can CLEARLY understand why some shoes are so expensive!

  39. TheBandy01 says:

    YouTube: Do you want to see a guy fix a pair of boots without talking?
    Me: Why not?

  40. Reese Eulert says:

    Great ASMR. very soothing background noise, fell asleep very quickly listening to it. I also enjoy your other videos for educational purposes lol