Think Amazon’s Alexa is Hot? Sex Coach Says You Shouldn’t Feel Weird


If you’ve got a crush on Amazon’s Alexa, you’re not alone. Sex coach Sarrah Rose exclusively tells In Touch that it’s actually not all that weird to find the virtual assistant hot — even if “her” physical form looks more like a computer speaker than a person. In fact, the New York Post reports that 28 percent of people are attracted to Alexa, but why is that? According to Rose, it’s partially the way Alexa is designed and partially a natural human curiosity.

“Right now, people are bored and wanting to experiment and try new things,” the sex coach explains. “It’s not new for humans to anthropomorphize technology. In 1966, it was ELIZA [a chatbot designed to simulate human conversation] and today it’s Alexa.” Even her name alone has a certain “sexy, no nonsense vibe” that lends itself to developing a little crush. And she’s got a personality, too.

Amazon Alexa

“She’s funny, smart and has plenty to talk about but still remains elusive and mysterious when you try to find out too much about her,” Rose continues. “Plus, the low tones of her voice are soothing and that is associated with being sexual. Quarantine is making many people desperate for connection, and Alexa is a constant, reassuring voice in the midst of stress and chaos. It’s common to romanticize someone that’s there for you. That’s often what people really want in a partner.”

Listening to Alexa is not unlike listening to an ASMR (autonomous sensory meridian response) video on YouTube. “Those with ASMR may experience triggers from her voice that can explain their attachment and attraction to Alexa,” she says. “If the sound of her voice elicits tingles and pleasure sensations, then they will want more of it.”

It’s totally normal to be into the virtual assistant. As long as you don’t go full Her and depend more on the device than real relationships, the way Joaquin Phoenix’s character did in the 2013 Spike Jonze flick, it’s even healthy. “At the end of the day, times are trying right now,” Rose adds. “If crushing on Alexa makes [people] feel better, then they should enjoy themselves without feeling weird about it.” Just don’t let Amazon’s gadget “distract” you from “taking the steps necessary to have a life beyond [having] a machine to talk to.”


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