This Hot Wheels POV channel might just be the best thing on YouTube


There’s a lot of nonsense on YouTube. Unboxings, ASMR vids, ASMR unboxings — the list of things you shouldn’t watch but probably will grows longer every day. 

These videos of Hot Wheels cars riding down complex tracks through gardens, beaches, basements and backyard pools, however, are not among said pile o’ YouTube garbage. 

No, the tracks and subsequent videos created by YouTube’s 5MadMovieMakers are pure art. Here, get cultured.

We got ahold of the L.A.-based creator, Robert Carlson, to see how and why he makes these videos, and to implore him to never, ever stop. 

Driving: Who are the 5 Mad Movie Makers of 5MadMovieMakers?

Robert Carlson: The channel is named after me and my four siblings. We started building with toys and filming videos when we were kids, though I’m mainly in charge of the channel now. My brother Mark helps write the music for a lot of my videos under the name “EmCee.”

How did it start? 

RC: I started filming videos when I was six years old and started the channel when I was fifteen. Originally we had a VHS tape camera but I moved to a digital Sony camcorder. My dad taught me how to run a camera and my uncle made documentaries, so it’s in the family.

Is this a job or a hobby or a jobby?

RC: The channel is my job and main source of income. I still freelance once or twice a month with friends I met in film school. I get lots of offers to make videos for toy companies but only take up a few of them each year. I’ve met with people from Mattel that were involved with Hot Wheels and Thomas the Tank Engine; they said they enjoyed my work and I made a video for their official channel in February 2018.

So, was the obsession video-making, playing with toys, or both? 

RC: Both. I really enjoyed the Shining Time Station television show as well as the Railway Series books it was based on, and that started my fascination with toy trains and storytelling. I played and wrote my own stories before I was old enough to run a camera. 

When did you know you were onto something YouTube really wanted?

RC: The channel got a couple thousand views within a few months, but then “Lego Sandbox Roller Coaster” got to 1 million views and that was a big sign that people really enjoyed detailed toy roller coasters built in outdoor settings.

Were you surprised by the Internet’s appetite for videos of complex Hot Wheels tracks?

RC: I was surprised that my first Hot Wheels video exceeded the viewership of all of my other videos, even though I had three years of content before that. I didn’t know how big or small the brands were around the world. For example, I was a big K’Nex fan, but it’s not as popular on YouTube. 

Some of these tracks are super-complex. How long did it take to set up the Hot Wheels Road Trip? 

RC: The Hot Wheels Road Trip video was my 100th video, so I wanted to make it special. It took eight days to film the eight different sections. It was the first time I’d made a video entirely from the perspective of the Hot Wheels car. It was filmed in both California and Colorado; in between days I took a “road trip” of my own to visit my family back home. I had several friends help me, including my brothers Mark and Matthew, my cousin Anneliese, and my church friend Ben.

I don’t do math before building; just a lot of trial and error to get it to work, although I will say I have a pretty good idea now of what will happen when the car goes down the track. The GoPro tracks are always harder because the center of gravity of the car is so much higher; I have dozens of takes of the car rolling off the side of the track of each section, even though there’s not a single curve piece in the whole video. Even the slightest jolt can upset it. The jump was near fifty takes to complete, but I did get it to work twice, once for full speed and another for slow-motion. 

What’s the trickiest thing you’ve ever filmed? 

RC: The GoPro double-barrel-roll from Hot Wheels Stunts holds the all-time record for hardest trick, at three days and over 270 attempts. What finally helped stick the landing was the magazine that cushions the car and stops the horizontal rotation.

What sort of gear do you use?

RC: For cameras, I currently use the GoPro Hero 5 Session, the Sony VG 30H camcorder and the iPhone SE. I used to edit on Final Cut Express but now use Adobe Premiere. For tracks I use wood 2x4s for the straightaways and flexible plastic garden edging for the hilly parts, with unit blocks and Kapla / Keva planks for smaller supports.

How do you get the POV shots on the Hot Wheels? 

RC: I used to have my friends tear apart cars (like the “Pharadox” model) for a base to put the GoPro Session camera on. It was pretty jank but improved as my friends at Raptor House Effects helped me 3D-print mounts for the camera.

Now Hot Wheels has an official GoPro-compatible model called the “Zoom In,” which I can definitely say I supplied some inspiration for, as I mentioned the idea to my Mattel contact on the phone in 2016 (she had liked Hot Wheels Beach Track and hoped I could make a similar project for Thomas; I have yet to do an onboard GoPro video with the wooden Thomas trains). 

What’s your favourite Hot Wheels you own?

My favorite car is the red Fast Fish, which I have unfortunately lost — it lives on in the beach video. I also like the Twin Mill, as it appears in the video game Rocket League, and the Deora II from Highway 35 World Race is my childhood favorite. I have just over one hundred cars, but I’m not much of a “collector” as I bang up most of the toy cars pretty good.

Are you a “car guy”?

I am not a big automotive enthusiast, but I do like keeping my cars clean. I drove a Chevy Cavalier in college (which, after four years, died in the middle of Utah, probably due to my not maintaining it for its last year) and now I drive a Honda CR-V (very reliable). Not anything exciting, though I have been keeping my eye on the new Tesla models.

You must have some grand visions floating around in your head. What’s on your Hot Wheels video bucket list?

The world record for longest Hot Wheels track is now over a half-mile, which could be beaten, but unfortunately I think it’d be a bit boring for viewers as it would probably just be a straight line. The more twists, loops or jumps you add, the more unreliable it gets. Perhaps it could be interesting if it were on a mountain or in a forest instead of just a road or path. Maybe I could sync it up to music, with song lyrics appearing along the track!


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