This is ‘Corte ASMR’, the curious game of cutting objects that is currently successful on Google Play


Does Crazy Labs sound familiar to you? It is an indie game brand, under which TabTale has developed and published many titles, some of them quite curious and with millions of downloads behind him. ‘Run Sausage Run!’ (‘Run Saussage Run’, in English) and AMAZE! are two examples of this, but there are many more.

His latest creation is called ‘Corte ASMR’ (‘ASMR Slicing’) in English and in a few days he has managed to position himself as the most downloaded game on Google Play in various countries (including Spain). As its name suggests, its objective is to cut or slice different objects and the dynamics are as simple as sliding your finger from top to bottom on the mobile screen.

Haptic response and many colors

Its creators define it as “the most satisfying kinetic sand cutting game of all”, but we soon found that it’s not sand the only thing we’re going to cut. Once downloaded, before starting the game, we have to accept -or not- its privacy policy, which basically makes you choose between showing you personalized ads according to your preferences or ads of all kinds, even if they are irrelevant to you.

We start with the first levels and what do we find? A knife that you have to slide from top to bottom with your finger to cut an object into slices as it advances. The more cuts we make, the sooner the top bar will be completed and the sooner we will go to the next level.

As we go, we will unlock “mysterious objects” -which we can also cut after watching a 30-second advertising video- and obtaining virtual coins to “buy” new knives or weapons in the shop. And beware, there is a laser sword, a chainsaw, etc.

The game dynamics are the same at all levels, although in some we will have to pay attention to the instructions to fill in the progress bar because we may have to do it at that level. a certain number of cuts or discover some hidden product inside the object that we are going to slice.

It is, therefore, a fairly basic game -perhaps repetitive and even boring for many-, whose main drawback, as usual, is its excessive advertising: there is an advertisement -at least- every two levels. As attractions, we would highlight its colorful 3D graphics, the smooth haptic feedback produced by cutting objects and the relaxing sounds that you can turn off so as not to disturb the rest (just like the vibration). Hence the term ASMR (from English, Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response).

For the rest, we are dealing with a free title that, at the moment, it does not offer in-app purchasesNot even to get rid of advertising. But come on, Google Play already includes integrated purchases of 1.89 euros per item. Currently, it is version 1, but it already accumulates more than 10 million downloads; Of course, it has an average rating of 3.5 out of 5 with almost 15,000 reviews.

ASMR cut

         This is ‘Corte ASMR’, the curious game of cutting objects that is currently successful on Google Play


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