Tips to help you get your sleep cycle on track


Transition to a relaxing mood

A comfortable ambience is mandatory for sound sleeping. Blocking out disturbing noises and replacing it with soothing music can do wonders for one. You can try listening to calming sounds on different websites. or will let you mix multiple natural sounds and adjust the intensity of the volume for each sound while lets you enjoy any song of your choice with the sounds of raindrops. You can, however, choose to meditate instead or opt for some ASMR. Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response or ASMR, a recent popular trend on YouTube is found to be helpful for many in falling asleep faster.

A healthy lifestyle is key

Maintaining a well-balanced diet by eating well can help you improve your sleeping pattern. You can try to do some bedtime restorative yoga poses or stretches which are specifically focused in opening up and relaxing your muscles and requires no additional workout equipment or gear. There are various tutorials available online that can guide you get the yoga postures right. Also, while doing yoga, the scent of essential oils like lavender can help create a tranquillizing atmosphere as well.

Audiobooks can become your friends

Reading books in bed can help you flip the switch turning the sleeping mode on. However, printed books require you to keep your room’s light on whereas e-books hinder in controlling the exposure of screen light which is damaging for both your eyesight and sleep. An alternative can be the audiobooks except you might end up dealing with the dilemma of deciding between whether to continue listening to the book or let yourself fall asleep properly while being in the drowsy state.

Pay a visit to a healthcare professional

Not getting sufficient sleep can take a toll on your health. The mentioned methods are not at all any foolproof solution for insomnia. If these methods are not working for you then, you should consult a specialist to seek proper medical attention or treatment and follow the prescribed medical advice to correct your sleep schedule and circadian misalignment. 


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