Ultra Sensitive ASMR (30min+) Crunchy, Soft, Clicky Sounds


Here is an ultra sensitive sound assortment to bless your ears before you sleep. Some very tingly mic attention! FOLLOW MY INSTAGRAM! …


38 Responses

  1. I got one of those nomad ads, bro that was kind of nice, no car insurance or medication ad

  2. No one:
    Litterally no one:
    Owen: VeRy TingELY TexTuRe

  3. jazzy says:

    i am not on a phone i am on a computer

  4. Your videos make my nights 💙

  5. Litty Lit says:

    Owen: “You know what’s better than one glove?”
    Me: world ✌️!

  6. Dennis: its past your bed time

    Me: looks at clock its 1:30 ummmmmm maybe just a bit

    Also my prayers go out to yall during this stressful time

  7. Thanks mr denis for the vid I’ma use it to go to sleep 😴 night

  8. Lmao thanks broski, this rlly helps. Considering my school closed and I've been stressed. This helps a lot of people out including me. I love your content

  9. Dennis: shouldn’t u be asleep rn?
    Dennis: isn’t it past ur bed time ?
    Time of bed time: 8:45pm
    Time rn:12:47
    Me: how did u KNOW!?!

  10. Tactical , says:

    Denis: Isn’t it past your bedtime

    Me: looks at time (1:03 am) HOLY $#!T

  11. I love it when he touches the camera!! I LOVE YOU DENNIS!! I promise imma tell it to him in his face!

  12. GioMega 101 says:

    Is it just me or when Dennis pulled out the glove and started doing stuff with it I got goosebumps and a tingle sensation

  13. Help me where are the timestamps?😂😂😂😂

  14. Shoop A Loop says:

    I almost pissed myself laughing at his slightly sarcastic sounding apology for "hUrtInG mY FeEliNgs" 💙

    Somebody was feeling snarky when they made this video 😂

  15. Ok but Dennis is a hot god🥵🥵🥵

  16. Sweet Heart says:

    I just wanna say thank you, I've been having trouble sleeping for a few nights now, and your videos are the only ones putting me slightly at ease. Thank you so very much, after just one video I subscribed.

  17. I love the videos so Callm and erelaxing

  18. Suzie murray says:

    When you are not lying down it doesn't give you any tingles, but when you are… The tingles actually come to you.

  19. Tali Leonard says:

    It’s only 15 minutes past my bed time 🥺🥺

  20. Sooooo how was ur first day as a legal adult?(no I’m not trying to be creepy sry if I am)

  21. When he said turn down your brightness so your mom doesn’t see your in your phone rn-

  22. leo Mozart says:

    Let me put on my ultra sensitive earplugs so my ears won't melt from this GODLY POWER!!!

  23. turn down your brightness so your mom doesn’t see. he literally described me :0 MAGIC?!

  24. Kalia Nieva says:

    I’m so glad that humanity has a light (you) in these dark times. So thank you for your help in calming down the people who have been worried about friends or family.
    Ps: I’m one of the people who worries constantly.

  25. Dennis has corona immunity because of his ASMR skills eh?

  26. PixelsPlay says:

    I really love this whole sensitivity thing!!!
    Night Denis.😪💤💤💤🛌

  27. Shardzz 24 says:

    Letsss go we get 3 weeeeeeeks off of school!!!!

  28. Jen Jen says:

    Ummm…but I am the mom 🤣

  29. Dennis: isn’t it past ur bed time?
    Me: it’s only 4.54

  30. Im 11 years old and my birthday is today can you please notice me

  31. 1:12 bruh I just clicked on the vid

  32. S O L O says:

    33:33 he is gay (⊙_◎)

  33. ImAngryMan says:

    forget about corona!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (whispered): its sleeeeeeeeeep time!

  34. Toby Bowes says:

    i have to do a ton of homework because of coronavirus and im just listening to asmr while i do my homework

  35. super handsome…..💓💓💓 Seductive husband/bf video pls..