Watch Jessica Alba & Daughter Honor Do A Weirdly Cute ASMR Video


  • Jessica Alba just did a weirdly cute ASMR video with daughter Honor and Lizzy Mathis.
  • The trio did the video while eating acai bowls and grilling Honor on her life.
  • At the end Honor said, “This is going to be the cringiest video in the world, you guys.”

    Jessica Alba and actress Lizzy Mathis have been buddies since way back when, and apparently, the two decided to create an ASMR video together, as one does these days. In the YouTube video, Jessica, Lizzy, and Jessica’s daughter Honor are sitting around a kitchen whispering next to acai bowls, and the whole thing is weirdly adorable.

    The women start off by putting Honor on the spot, with Jessica calling her sweet nicknames and Honor clearly looking like she’d rather be somewhere else. Honor is here with the one-liners, though! Lizzy asked her at one point how it feels to be 12, and Honor’s response was simple: “The same as it felt to be 11.”

    Jessica kinda alluded that they were doing the video in honor of Honor turning another year older (get it?), but it honestly seemed like they just really wanted to make an ASMR video.

    So…they started eating acai bowls. “I like the crunch of the granola,” Lizzy whispered. “Can I mix everything together?” Honor asked. “Yeah, get in there, Honor,” Jessica said. Lizzy, meanwhile, said she has to eat her bowl in sections. “It’s mental. It looks prettier this way,” she explained.

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    Jessica then took Honor down memory lane, reminding her of how they ate acai bowls together in Brazil and wore matching bikinis. “The back was SO small,” Jessica whispered, as Honor gave her mom A Look.

    Honor then low-key trashed the bowl, rating it a four out of 10 compared to what she had in Brazil.

    The whole video moves along that way, with Jessica and Lizzy trying to chat up Honor, and Honor just trying to eat her damn bowl and move on with her life. “This is going to be the cringiest video in the world, you guys,” she says at one point.

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    At the end, though, Honor gives her mom a lean-in hug combo and that is that. Tweens, amiright?

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