[Watercolor ASMR] Real-Time Negative Space Painting😺😺😺


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5 Responses

  1. Love this so much! Your new content is amazing!

  2. 💥What Do You Think?💥
    I believe ASMR could be used to compliment existing therapies for mental health but so far academics & health professionals have overlooked it. I'm a Dr of Psychology & have decided to conduct some research to prove my theory. Will you help me by completing my research survey? This is the survey, I hope it's ok to leave it here:


    The more people who take part the more power the results will have so please share the link if it feels right to do so with anyone who might be interested. Thank you for your help, I will try & keep you updated on how things are going.

    Warmest wishes
    Dr Emma Gray
    The ASMR Psychologist

  3. Sassy Cat says:

    Cats always have to be in your paintings. I am forever pull in cat hair off my paints or paintings. Cat hair gets everywhere!. Love it!

  4. mellariart says:

    love the way this looks and 😽

  5. Beautiful video 👍 60th LIKE from AAMIS COLOUR WORLD.