WHITE NOISE ROAD TRIP | 10 Hours of Soothing Car Sounds For Sleep

Relaxing White Noise

Buy Road Trip MP3: https://goo.gl/SQXWcs
I love the sound of being in the car, out on the open road at the start of a summer road trip. If I’m not the one driving, that same sound starts to lull me to sleep after many hours on the highway. The tires on the pavement and sound of the engine combine to create a white noise effect. Why not take a road trip cat-nap, even if you’re at home? And nobody will be mad if you forgot to pack the sunscreen. Let us know if this sound helps you sleep!

© Relaxing White Noise LLC, 2014. All rights reserved. Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this video/audio is prohibited.


26 Responses

  1. 26 dislikes?! I think they thought the button meant dis I like…

  2. lol, I cannot believe this exist!

  3. thank you! this puts me right out! better than a sleeping pill!

  4. Kh says:

    Good 💤😴

  5. Sam K says:

    im the type of person who gets a car-coma real quick…. this puts me right to sleep!

  6. loganboi says:

    Question do you recommend doing this with the volume all the way up

  7. This is perfect for my newborn, thanks!

  8. Kurt Reber says:

    great one! can you do 18 wheeler tire drone? (like a car would hear if driving alongside a semi at night)

  9. cathunkadunk says:

    omg i am so happy I'm not the only one

  10. MissYee212 says:

    This is the best!

  11. me: about to fall asleep in car
    little sister: MAAAAMM!!!! ARE WEEE THERE YET?!?!??!

  12. thehoeppling says:

    Boah da hattn 1000% ei Alholol

  13. Of all the ambient noises, this is the most soothing sound!

  14. sophia says:

    this gave me anxiety?

  15. LOL.. this helped me to fake my excuse 😀
    yes bro I'm on my way xD

  16. Tried to put this on so I can sleep….great loud startup ad just ruined it

  17. C PT says:

    Mike: Hey Gary, wake up! We’re here!
    Gary: Man…how long have I been asleep?
    Mike: Uh, about 11 hours…
    Gary: You drove all the way to Baltimore? Oh-ho; thanks man! My Grammy Newton’s gonna be so PSYCHED to see us!
    Mike: Yeah, ya got that right…only we blew off Grammy Newton and we’re at the Phish Concert in Vermont!
    Gary: WHAT!?
    Mike: Snooze ya lose…
    Gary: But it’s her 102nd birthday, Mike!
    Mike: You’ll hit it next year…

  18. VGMurders says:

    Hahaha….somebody texted me I told them I was still driving home. I wasn't then they called. Quick search and here we our. Background road noise. Works great.

  19. fatguylungs says:

    0:50 does the sound get softer right there or is it just me?

  20. Finally I can listen to something on my next road trip.

  21. Mark C says:

    sounds more like riding inside an airliner

  22. Russet04 says:

    I'm actually on a road trip but my family won't shut up and I'm trying to sleep