Will and Grace Funny Bloopers | Demi Lovato and Sean Hayes Edition


Will and Grace’s latest offering is a viral video of some funny bloopers. Demi Lovato (celebrity guest star), Sean Hayes, Eric McCormack, Debra Messing, and Megan Mullally’s struggle to remember their lines paved way for an epic 54 seconds. The hit NBC TV-show is one of the most popular and has come to a close after season 11.

What is the Will and Grace funny Blooper video about?

Will and Grace’s 20-year long journey came to close in the form of its farewell season 11, later last year. NBC show’s final table read puts a cap to rumors of it continuing after the current season.

The latest offering by James Burrows’ show, however, makes sure the fans remember the NBC TV show for times to come. Demi Lovato, Sean Hayes, Debra Messing, Eric McCormack, and Megan Mullally starer Will and Grace funny blooper video has gone viral and it is hilarious.

The funny blooper video sees the cast of Will and Grace season 11 struggling to get their lines out. The funniest part of the video features Demi Lovato’s character Jenny trying to explain different ways she can make money. Co-star Sean Hayes joins her in the first half of the video and his tongue-tied moments make the video worth the while.

The remaining video features Debra Messing, Eric McCormack and Megan Mullally who can also be seen dumbstruck in Will and Grace season 11 blooper video. In this particular episode, Lovato and Hayes try their luck with ASMR live streaming in hopes to earn some bucks. You can watch the video below.

Talking about ASMR, Will and Grace also features Megan Mullally (Karen) and Sean Hayes’ (Jack) attempt on ASMR live streaming. The Livestream turns into Jack and Karen’s online ASMR fight after Sean says something inappropriate about Karen’s new love interest.

The funny bloopers featuring all the Will and Grace season 11 actors are a treat to watch. Dankanator will update you on more from your favorite NBC TV show.


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