Wood That It Were So Simple: Conserving A Split Panel Painting Part 3

Baumgartner Restoration

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Part 1 here: https://youtu.be/OLxDD1xsjHw
Part 2 here: https://youtu.be/eVMZAyE5A5A

Every once in a while a project arrives that upon first glance appears straight forward and simple but as more time is spent understanding the nuances of the work involved, well, things get interesting.

And such is the case with the painting featured in this video series. What appears fairly simple is anything but and requires inventive thinking, novel materials and even new equipment to facilitate a successful conservation.

Follow along in this five part series as the painting moves through the various stages and treatments of conservation and restoration.


32 Responses

  1. omar mokhtar says:

    Is using carbon fiber sheets for back support possible?

  2. - Ev says:

    Thw whole time he was talking about what material to use I was just thinking honeycomb metal and my brain wouldn't let it go so that part had alot of suspense for me

  3. Mellory Tutt says:

    I am so looking forward to part 4! Watching your videos is like therapy for me, and really does help me when the Bipolar and PTSD get out of control, so thank you for sharing your art and your world with us.
    I thought you'd be interested to know that Blue Poles is currently undergoing conservation here at the National Gallery of Australia. I'm hoping to be able to get in to one of the live sessions to watch it being done (there are hourly sessions open every Wednesday).

  4. How naive I was to think that this was only going to be a 2 part video all those days ago

  5. XY says:

    The fact he used so many different camera angles when he was explaining everything was crazy

  6. Jessie Cowan says:

    Whose head is in the very last shot? Who's there with you, Julian??

  7. XY says:

    I don't know why I thought this would only be a three part video😂

  8. Rene Andrus says:

    It’s always lovely to see something new from you in my feed, Mr. Baumgartner. Nice to know I am not the only precision minded person on the planet. You are a delight to watch.

  9. ChelseaTXY says:

    Wow, just wow. That transition into that sponsor ad was sooo smooth

  10. You are killing me! I can't wait for the next episode!

  11. ahhhhhhhh Suspense!! That was an hour and a half of wonderful and now I have to wait for the grand finale! So fun, thank you.

  12. 12:03 I lowkey jumped 😂……….😅

  13. Question: why couldn’t you have used a large piece of very hard plastic/ clear cast acrylic sheet as the backing? Does that warp too much with temp changes?

  14. This is just brilliant. It's my Zen thing. Thank you Mr. Baumgartener. Also I love how you hide your art boner under the table.

  15. Ron Clark says:

    Using a 'Bosch' router to surface plane the panel was brilliant subtlety

  16. 20:30 someones child has entered the set

  17. I saw a little monkey at 20:31

  18. Got to the end of the video “Tune in next time…” GOD DAMN IT! The suspense is KILLING me! D:

  19. Instead of watching art conservation, I feel that I’m taking a shop class

  20. The cliffhanger and I am like noooooooo so I go searching for the next part but its not available. Darn. Thanks for sharing though because this was very interesting I didn't know you could do all that though I had seen paintings cleaned before.

  21. Why is it that you couldnt put the second moisture mixture from the start so that you would avoid any risk of deformation from the getgo??

  22. Drink every time Julian says "that is"

  23. I need part 4 right now…

  24. PRRGG1 says:

    I was yelling "engineered plywoods", I was wrong. LOL love this program and look forward to the next part.

  25. Jenny Watson says:

    You're doing such an awesome job on this series. I love it so much!! The tease for the cliffhanger had me laughing.

  26. Luiz Silva says:

    If this restoration thing doesn't work out for you, the ad transition mastery that you have will keep you employed anywhere.

  27. a Kento says:

    I love how he has become so much more talkative and communicative.

  28. Julian , you do what ever your gut tells you. Not everyone greets anyway. I can hardly wait to see the results. You are a good conservation person to me.

  29. Ethan Hice says:

    20:32 Nobody gonna talk about the sneaky child in the background!?!

  30. I think carbon fiber panel would be a good or better alternative to the fiberglass?