YouTuber creates anger – eating live animals on camera


If you at one time or another have visited the website so you’re probably familiar with the term ‘ASMR’, where people either talking, eating or beeping with things close to a microphone.

the Aim is that the viewers achieve a relaxing feeling when they hear the specific sounds. But now, a Korean youtuber mess out in a bit of a whirlwind because of its ‘ASMR’videos.

The case of the female user ‘Ssoyoung’ from south Korea, that specializes in mixing the concepts of ‘ASMR’ and the ‘mukbang’ in his videos.

It will, in all its simplicity, to say that she eats close to a microphone, which thus creates sounds, which for some users can have a relaxing effect. And with over three million followers on the page, it might indicate that there are many who find peace in her videos.

It is, however, not everyone who is a casual to see Ssoyoungs videos, she has recently received a lot of criticism from other users on Youtube.

the Reason lies in the fact that the south Korean youtuber is happy to eat exotic animals. In fact, so much that in some cases, still alive, when she takes them on camera.

A quick look at her youtubekanal reveals photos including octopus being eaten alive, and the eel that gets poured salt in their water tank, while the desperately writhing in desperation.

And this is the type of videos that have received more users to criticize Ssoyoung for animal cruelty.

Among other things, has youtuberen Ethan Klein of h3h3Productions channel, which has over 6.6 million followers, criticized Ssoyoung.

“I think she is aware that if she did not appear a little squeamish and nervous in his videos, so would she be considered a complete sociopath,” says Ethan Klein in a video, and continues:

“But she loves absolutely clear that torture animals. It is no doubt about that.”

the Criticism appears to have had an impact on the Ssoyoung, there alone within the past six days has uploaded four new videos, which will be tasted on animals.


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