৩ ART asmr vlog: CREATING A PAINTING ✦ АРТ асмр влог: ПИШУ КАРТИНУ ୭

AilLy Vlog


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7 Responses

  1. AilLy Vlog says:

    In this vlog I say that I have a little time before my students-artists come to studio, so I decided to make an oil painting. Winter. On motives of Aivazovsky. Yes, he drew not only the seas 😉
    Thank you for the activity in the last ASMR video.
    You are amazing !!! Mi [ASMRPOS] <3 You can Press "Like" button here https://www.facebook.com/AirLightFan and read the latest news about me, thoughts, photos, etc. ;))

    AND I want to remind you about new ASMR video session Writing Oil Painting with Air Light  , which starts to the Day of my birth on January 27 )))
    All info you can find here: http://www.patreon.com/AirLightASMR

    tight hugs

  2. Manyasha 007 says:

    Всегда восхищалась талантом художника. Ведь Вы можете воспроизводить на холсте то, что рисует Ваша фантазия) У меня очень редко получается нарисовать что-то более-менее стоящее, придумаешь картину, стоит перед глазами, как уже нарисованная, а на бумаге одни загогулины получаются))))))
    Ваша картина потрясающая, такое чувство, будто стоишь посреди дивного зимнего леса…

    В Вашем последнем видео "Зимний сон", для меня Вы ассоциируетесь со Снежной Королевой, которая заманивает нас в свои волшебные, чарующие "пута"))

  3. мне кажется ни чего больше дорисовывать не нужно пусть воображение каждого свое дорисует

  4. Chris Moore says:

    My first experience of ASMR was listening to and watching my first "Serious Crush" while she did her classwork /homework when we were in 5th grade. Every time I view anything you have uploaded I get that same sensation x10! There are only a few things for me that can match, and even fewer that surpass the feeling. I don't understand your language but your whispering voice gives it overwhelming beauty. The late American painter, Bob Ross triggered my ASMR while I watched him paint on TV and do you know that he didn't come close to producing a response like the one I got viewing just 3 minutes of your work? Thank you so much Ailly for bringing your artistic creativity into a seemingly hopeless world and also for helping me in too many ways to list. Stay safe…

  5. Sorry it took so long to find this….You're the best AilLy ツ