Frozen Paint Mixing – 1 Hour Of Satisfying ASMR Video Compilation!!!

らな Aesthetic Satisfaction なら

Frozen Paint Mixing – 1 Hour Of Satisfying ASMR Video Compilation!!! Paint Mixing Playlist: …


26 Responses

  1. Make Sure To Subscribe And Turn On Post Notifications! 😉

  2. That annoying noise sucked

  3. savage says:

    Me: watching my 12th asmr video and crying

    FBI webcam agent: Jesus is this fat bitch ok

  4. Why can’t I eat it

  5. Oi. Daddy says:

    It looks like cake when their done mixing it 🍰 I kinda want to eat it

  6. Oi. Daddy says:

    This sound amazing❤️❤️ love these videos

  7. Click bait, its 1 hour and one second. People these days.

  8. R.I.P. golden mermaid 2018 – 2018😢

  9. m o o says:

    B L E S S E D

  10. Why, do so many people want to eat these IT’S PAINT!!! THAT IS REALLY TOXIC TO EAT

    1 like= one person doesn’t eat the paint and doesn’t die

  11. Elise Papke says:

    2:46 is a really pretty color. They should make it a lipstick!

  12. 8:25 all I can hear are rats and nothing but a bunch of horrifying screams of death

  13. Tell me why this reminds me of when you’d mix all the left over frosting from a cake and most of the time it ended up green😂😂

  14. Yuma says:

    31:15 That one is amazing!

  15. Madzie 2000 says:

    That Spiderman one was so graphic XD

    That spatula came down and BOOM! Blood!

  16. Now i womder, how do you paint with it?