ASMR Gina Carla 🥰 Let Me Softly Talk You Asleep! Storytelling NEON Drawings!

ASMR Gina Carla

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22 Responses

  1. ysquaredd says:

    Thank you for sharing your story, Gina. I found this comforting to hear a similar story to mine…it keeps me hopeful!

  2. Great ASMR says:

    I won't say that you shouldn't give up and give in to sadness – it's a uppercase truth that everyone says so often today that it seems as if it has lost its meaning. I will only say that we will always support you while you continue to be yourself!

  3. It's not just men that are strong warriors

  4. Winston V. says:

    Believing ☺️

  5. Gmrawi says:

    I Want Kiss 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  6. Suzi Bu says:

    Yo no entiendo mucho inglés lastima pero eres bella mujer

  7. sider impact says:

    Let's tear the ridiculous mustache!

  8. Hey stimmt das du von der Schweiz kommst

  9. So many tingles 🥰🥰🥰

  10. Mein Gott, was für ein bewegendes Video. Ich bin gerade mega gerührt (Minute 14:00) 🥺🥺🥺 Das berührendste Video ever, das ich je auf Youtube gesehen habe. Danke.

  11. rose red says:

    Same strange never met you your in anther country! But I gave up long time ago . Parents divorced my mum met someone else I lived between both of them then with my dad my mum had anther child and left. I was bullied at school was struggling always told I couldn't do anything so I stopped trying to.

  12. What a deep and soulful asmr you got)

  13. Nick Shannon says:

    How do we get pictures?

  14. Господи так мило. Пожалуйста, добавляй субтитры на русском)
    so cute, please, add subtitles in Russian on your videos. I really want to understand what you are talking about.

  15. I’d love to see you do a get ready with me ASMR style with all your makeup and hair especially when you are dressing in your vintage style clothes

  16. Ben Egypt says:

    i cried when you started to draw, im not sad for long but it was the first time i've felt human in a while, before we came there was no hope, understand, when i look back ive managed t find a book with things that happened in my childhood as it is being blocked because of how it was, a long time ago we had ourselves believe we was a juice.

    understand somone has been a brother but not really and hasnt aged since i was a child, understand

    thankyou for being the b word, if its said then you wouldnt be, how you can tap into that past and remain the same is true s

    understand he wants me to go, understand i have tried, understand you will get used to the pain and it wont hurt as much as it did

    the love you give out doesnt mean you feel that way because i feel low very frequent so i guess thats how it works

  17. J.K Singh says:

    First I just wanna thank you for sharing something so personal, you certainly didn’t have to do that. NOW I GOT QUESTIONS! where does the story of you going to America for high school fit into all of this? Didn’t you go to America skinny and gained weight over there? Did you meet your partner when you came back from America? Or were you guys in contact when you were back in America?

  18. LoveLeighs says:

    Thank you so much! Love you🥰💚