ASMR | TEACHING YOU FRENCH (Counting, Tracing, …)🤓

ASMR Summer

Hey everybodyyy,
I finally got around to filming another one of these so to all of you that requested another french video, here ya go:D

Thank you so much for all your support, I truly hope you enjoy this video!😊
Have a wonderful day!🧡🧡

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o Tuesday
o Thursday
o Saturday


45 Responses

  1. cvsmicvfx says:

    since you did a part 2 to teaching us French can you maybe do a part 2 of teaching us Spanish i want to learn the days of the week I understand if you can this is just a suggestion 🥰

  2. Luc Zbo says:

    your accent is perfect !! the only wrong thing you said is « le regle » but it is « la règle »
    Could you make a video of reading a book in french or just whispering i french again…….

  3. Lu We says:

    It is "la règle" Not "le règle😂😂

  4. I am French and your accent is really good

  5. Narwhals says:

    Who are the 3 dislikers. Like if u don’t like the video don’t watch it bro

  6. please do another spanish video🥺

  7. Grand -mère /mamie
    I love your vidéo😉

  8. Zeina_08 says:


  9. Zackew Nono says:

    Just : for say twenty eight in french , we say the t of vingt: vinTE-huit. Have a good day

  10. Pat Kriek says:

    Merci pour ta nouvelle vidéo en français ♥️♥️♥️

  11. Quand tu dit 21….30, n’oublie pas de dire le ving’T’ car tu ne dit pas le T à vingt et on le dit, sa devrai faire vingT avec le T qui se prononce 🙂 même si nous avec l’habite on ne le dit plus forcément

  12. By the way on ne dit pas « le règle » mais « LA règle »😉

  13. Kira J says:

    you did really but you should have done jimapel

  14. Nacim kebli says:

    Moi je trouve que ses sa seule anglaise qui arrive a dire des mots en français sans accent anglais

  15. The little "Bindestrich" was so cute for some reason🥺😂

  16. FannyDT says:

    it’s la mer not le métro for the ocean, but really really really good vidéo like ever 🙂

  17. Vingt-et-un et vingt-et-une… C'est pareil. En fait on dit les deux 🤷‍♀️

  18. Je parle français, anglais et allemand. Mince, il me manque l'espagnol pour t'egaler.

  19. ASMR&E says:

    it’s not really an accent but we also uses those two point on top of « u,i,o » or « e » it’s called « tréma » and it’s ë,ö,ü,ï and it could be applied to ä ( the vowels basically ) 😉

  20. hi i love it ahah 🫂🇫🇷

  21. you do it perfectly because french is one of the hardest languages ​​to speak because even me as french i get lost with the conjugations the verbs ect … it's surper hard and i think what you know is it a good start 🇫🇷❤️

  22. Mark Yetter says:

    I love your videos, even more those in French because you have a great accent, I hope you will continue to do some 🙏

  23. shhh ava says:

    Girl 4?! I only speak 2, Czech and English! Yet i still struggle with those two lol😭

  24. I'm belgian🇧🇪my language is🇫🇷🇪🇺🇬🇧🇧🇪

  25. swan says:

    Je suis français et j'ai trouver ta voix trop relaxante faut que tu fasse une partie 2 ❤️🥺 j'ai like au tout début en plus 🥺❤️

  26. Epitaphere says:

    "anything beyond that, I don't think I should be teaching you because I would teach you how to fail"
    Please teach me how to fail

  27. Magic Rtrip says:

    Grand-mère is more like grand mother so in french we rather say mamie /mami/ for grandma and papi is for grandpa..
    Great video, your french is very good !

  28. Ben Benou says:

    Tu te débrouille bien 👍

  29. storm says:

    Oui les français sont là

  30. C'est un tiret – !!

  31. Solal Nefti says:

    Je suis français et franchement j'ai rarement entendu quelqu'un avec un agent comme ça, tu es très douée car nous avons une langue assez compliquée. Bravo 😉

  32. C'est bien ! Vive la France !!!😁

  33. You're french is really great and you're accent is perfect 🤍

  34. Lena Bndd says:

    Bonne prononciation (I am french) 🇫🇷❤️❤️👌🤩

  35. Lena Bndd says:

    On dirait une française tellement elle parle bien français 👌

  36. louison_glm says:

    La mère is more to say the mother and maman is when u say mom oe mommy. 😌 yur accent is excellent btw

  37. 1485bot says:

    i love your intro it’s my favorite thing ever

  38. _Maëlle_ says:

    Ton accent est si mignon !!!!!!

  39. Bravo ! Tu parles bien français !

  40. 7up says:

    Its quite weird as a french to listen to a german who speaks english teaching me how to speak french tbh

  41. Slidingtheo says:

    I’m really impressed ! I’m a French native and this sounds great, your accent is perfect for the most of all you say during this video !
    Laughed a lot about the explaination of how to pronounce QUIIIIINZE, maybe all of us got cold and never healed 😉

  42. Ju No says:

    Tu as le bonjour d'un français! 😊👍

  43. SunFlxwer says:

    6:45 “which letter did we just say… OH 16!”