City Night And Lover|Acrylic Painting on Canvas Step by Step #499|Satisfying ASMR

Serena Art

ㆍAcrylics▶ Shield colors, Liquitex, Shinhan, Jo Sonja’s
ㆍCanvas▶ KW canvas (20*20cm/25*25cm/25.5*18cm)
ㆍbusiness mail▶
ㆍcamera▶ Canon 5D Mark 3 / Canon G7X Mark3
ㆍBGM▶ YouTube library


ㆍI hope you enjoy watching my video. Have a good day!
ㆍDon’t re-upload and edit in any form.

First video upload 2019.04.11~
#LandscapePainting #AcrylicPainting #Satisfying


44 Responses

  1. Damm hard work ❤️

  2. Axel Pesina says:

    Hay alguien que hable español

  3. SoSo_ STAR says:

    I loved your drawings terribly, and I am really accusing you of drawing

  4. sleepy sloth says:

    Your so cool and awesome!! You made a wonderful artwork! I love it!

  5. Can you teach me plss
    My no 9797619632

  6. Samsul Alam says:

    Crystal clear painting tutorial
    100% 🧡

  7. A serena art lover… Lol

  8. Крууууууто👍👍👍👍👍👍

  9. Cutani says:

    I love watching you drawing from a very nice turkey🥰

  10. I love your creativity
    U took it to a next level

  11. I love your art it helps me cool down

  12. imi Insfran says:

    Me encanta 😊😊👏👏👏😍😍😍🎨🎨🎨🎨

  13. Awesome… beautiful landscape

  14. Stunning artwork. Subscribed and so happy we did.

  15. moon light says:

    رسمك جميل مره ماشاء الله 😭❤️

  16. I'd like to know the name of the background song, someone, cold someone tell me?

  17. syu OMG :b says:

    Very nice painting, I even think your paintings have feelings for how beautiful they are

  18. Where did you acquire your amazing skills?

  19. Oi serena, estou a procura de roupas para desenhar, me espiro em você. Muito obrigado, tenho 12 anos.

  20. Eloa Costa says:

    que vibe boa que essa pintura me deu! um sentimento especial. lindo de mais

  21. Kim Bisan says:

    Your art inspires me

    Your great go on 😁😁

    You inspired me alot thanx😊😊

  22. Love your work, btw can u make begginer tutorials too plssdd🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  23. Your art is amazing

  24. Brisa says:

    Lo más hermoso que ví en mi vida 😍💓

  25. Waris Ali says:

    All songs name please!!!🤗😙

  26. كلش حلوه 💕💕

  27. 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩

  28. Te quedó hermoso Serena pero no me saledaste

  29. Hi.. I m kid ,I say last vedio,I want to know somethings,your panting is coming in your Hart or dream

  30. Cindy Muaya says:

    I dont painting and paint
    Or hobies but
    Im paint my art in my brain
    Hehehehehe that will improve
    More about Art

  31. Ola Ahmed says:


  32. Que hermoso ❤️😍😍😍

  33. Pedro Tolaba says:


  34. الله يبارك.طيري ختي الله يبارك👏👍👌

  35. Lucero Lopez says:

    Wow fue increible tu pintura te quedo super bonita (me voy a suscribir)

  36. Your art is the best it always inspires everyone👍🏻 love it

  37. Hermoso 😍😍😍