Eating Raw Honeycomb 🐝 ASMR RP | Painting a Bee

sugar boogerz ASMR

Hi friends!

This video is pretty simple. I eat raw honey comb, do a little personal attention role play, and paint a picture of a bumble bee. #

I hope you enjoy!

Email me directly at for the extended version of this video. Be ready to pay $50.00 via Venmo, PayPal or facebook.

Oh ya, Happy New Year!

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@actual.laurel for artwork
@sugar_boogerz for satisfying vids

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33 Responses

  1. RÊËŠĘ ! says:

    I'm extremely intrigued RN 😂

  2. JoKe R says:

    More vid please ! ❤️

  3. What a beautiful, talented, and funny girl! Change your channel name though.

  4. Cool bee, gorgeous girl.

  5. Kadian says:

    DOE EYES! It’s those big doe eyes.

  6. exmark5248 says:

    How come you can not talk a little louder? Do you have roomates, or is it really late at night?

  7. Jim Jimbook says:

    Thats u all th way baby…"kina cute kina creepy"….haaa

  8. ** says:

    Her honey is very drippy. . . and sticky. I like that in a woman.

  9. ** says:

    . . . did she actually swallow the comb?

  10. ** says:

    She has such a cute figure

  11. Jordan95 HD says:

    Loved it! ❤️

  12. Steamer10600 says:

    Hi Laurel, I doubt that you know me, but I'm your cousin……I think that you, and your work/art are WONDERFUL!!! I'm suspect that as a child you were rocked in the BIG rocking chair that I gave to your mom…and again, I LOVE your work..
    .. we should meet some time…. Just ask your mom who I am…. LOL….

  13. Why is she wearing a dress while painting and eating??

  14. Why is she wearing a dress while painting and eating??

  15. Israel Zayas says:

    Nice work! 👍

  16. Igne _ says:

    80% trying to be sexy 20% ASMR

  17. Carl Miller says:

    Thanks Sugar your as Sweet as Honey! Have a wonderful day today

  18. Carl Miller says:

    That's a Great bee painting !

  19. So besutiful extra WiFi painting So god

  20. Mick Hail says:

    Honey is great… the comb part, not so much

  21. Manny Cowen says:

    Getting a fatty on and cracking one off . Is that normal

  22. Damn….young LADY… are GORGEOUS

  23. I could watch you paint forever and the chills would never go away

  24. 柴山渉 says:

    真面目に魅力的で美人だから結婚前提にしたお付き合いしたいくらい大好き💓♥❤ 君が欲しい😃❤😃💝

  25. Beautiful painting !

  26. Is Crimson-yellow, he color of hēdon?

  27. Could u do asmr with your barefeet somehow they look very pretty

  28. scumbagdave says:

    Absolutely stunning