How the sounds of crinkling, whispering, and tapping induce euphoria and why ASM…


How the sounds of crinkling, whispering, and tapping induce euphoria and why ASMR is so popular.

How the sounds of crinkling, whispering, and tapping induce euphoria.

[fb_vid id=”photo_id”:”2045165915745786″”][fb_vid id=”2045165915745786″]


4 Responses

  1. Jakoda Bear skip to 3:30 ahaha

  2. This explains a lot! What If you experience both? There are certain sounds that drive me insane like people chewing but then whispering and different sounds I hear in movies are very relaxing to me. British accents also relax me. Some do you make me feel euphoric.

  3. Fide Ellis says:

    It’s crazy to see how far Maria has come. Who would have thought? I remember when she used to make vids with only sound.