Infinite Art #60 / Snowy Winter Landscape / Acrylic painting for beginners / Sleep ASMR

Alice Art

Hi I’m Alice . Today I drew a winter landscape acrylic painting
I hope you enjoy watching my video .
Have a good day. Thank you

Hwahong brush
Herend Fan brush
Montmar Art Acrylic
ALPHA Acrylic
20*20 Canvas


14 Responses

  1. Beautiful painting ❤️👍 keep up it
    I have already subscribed u. Stay connected always 👍👍

  2. Good acrylic artwork

  3. 이성호 says:

    As expected~ You're so amazing.~~~~~~♡★☆♡♥♥

  4. FREE MUSIC says:

    Perfect !!!! <3 Love ! (:

  5. Mehdi Saraei says:

    With a fork? This painting is on a whole new level!!! So creative

  6. Amazing work! Loved it👏🏻👏🏻
    Stay connected and safe✨✨

  7. Wow very empressive work enjoying watching it all the way keep it up stay connect

  8. CORSAIR ARTS says:

    Please Keep Sharing like this , I really love your content 😍❤️ You did everything very finely and smoothly 😍🔥

  9. Beautiful scenery…👌👌

  10. That’s really lovely 😊

  11. Jay Adams says:

    Loving the vibe!

  12. Beautiful snowy landscape painting 👍🎨🎨

  13. Fact Seriez says:

    Really amazing
    But firstly watch and then join me please with honest
    I will wait

  14. It's really beautiful painting 😍