ODDLY SATISFYING ART VIDEOS 🤤😍 | Natalia Madej Compliation

Natalia Madej

I looooooove creating these satisfying art videos and I hope you guys like to watch them too! All the drawings in this video are created by me. I don’t allow …


31 Responses

  1. tegan parkes says:

    What app do you have

  2. Czy mi się wydaje, czy Ty naprawdę jesteś z Polski? (sory za język polski)

  3. I wish I was as good as a artist as she is.

  4. OMG you are my new obsession!!!

  5. aanchal P says:

    Does anyone now what is the name of the app which she uses in 2nd vidio

  6. Ruqaya Azam says:

    why are all satisfying compilations called "oddly satisfying compilation"? like there is literally nothing odd about any of these???

  7. Jana Taher says:

    Wow such an artist

  8. For all those impatient people the vid starts at 00:06 just to let u know

  9. I need to ask what is the first song in the video btw I like your paintings😁

  10. you are sooooo good. what's your secret?

  11. You are my favorite artist! I love watching your videos on Tiktok and YouTube. And this is not just for likes, people.

    Thanks Natalia!

  12. GoldFish Box says:

    follow her on tik tok on NATALIA MADEJ

  13. Miriam Iqbal says:

    No one:
    Me more focused on the comments than the vid itself bc they never show you finished project

  14. Boring but a little satisfying

  15. • Karen says:

    What's the name of the app you use for like- the drawing and stuff?

  16. Lilia Cruz says:


  17. Tu dessine grv bien ❤️

  18. Natalia What app you use to draw?

  19. Renee Baran says:

    1:50 I am new to procreate and realized she is using procreate. What is the blurring tool called?

  20. Thes vido in scnd 2''22 maby alot of bebol seet? iwant mor like ples lam from sudi aribya

  21. Lyla Creaven says:

    100% girl version of Bob Ross that's a complement Btw

  22. 👄❤❤👄👄👄👄👄✌✌👌

  23. I wish I could draw and color like that.

  24. I m here from tik tok. Your channel is so amazing

  25. Plz make video how to draw the drawing in 2:36 plz

  26. Luna Moon says:

    Hii 👁 👁

  27. This called my “art” ugly in 237 different languages.