Painting a World Map with acrylics using textures. /ASMR

Angie Mathews

In this video I share my creative process of an acrylic painting of a world map with texture techniques and thoughts about our planet. I hope you enjoy it. -ASMR …


3 Responses

  1. Me alegro ser el primero en hacer un comentario! Éxitos! Te deseo lo mejor

  2. This is beautiful… the more people doing what they love and letting their soul speak through their being, in whatever form that is. BTW Id love that in my living room..

  3. Estoy totalmente asombrado! Mi sorpresa no pudo ser mayor! Demasiados talentos juntos, qué bien! Qué maravilla, te super felicito y me alegra infinitamente que estés haciendo lo que te gusta, abrazo muy grande!