Set of 4 Cloud Acrylic Painting on Mini Canvas #363|Satisfying Relaxing

Serena Art

I hope you enjoy watching my video. Have a good day! 2019.04.11~ Acrylic painting on canvas using palette knife ㆍAcrylics Montmar, Daler rowney, Daiso, …


40 Responses

  1. BEINYO says:

    The first time watching your videos, I knew that I was a your fan

  2. 헐?너무 이쁘자나…진짜인듯 아니듯한 느낌과 진짜같은 표현….♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️😭

  3. The tiny canvases look so cute!

  4. Superrr…….. beautiful💕💕💕💕💕💕💕😍😍

  5. Sempai 4 says:

    Одно из лучших видео

  6. Yare Avila says:

    La mejor que conozco

  7. Love iy I even can't say it right thing love it so much

  8. Suki Holl says:

    Nice video !💚

  9. Sarupa Barua says:

    You are just awesome. What can i tell about you? I'm your big fan.🙏🙏😘😘🙇🙇👏👏👍👍😄😄😍😍😍

  10. Kyius Art says:

    That's so beautiful! Great paintings Serena! 🤗😆

  11. After looking this video only one word came in my mind….

  12. Lydia E says:

    Serena you paintings so ways come out amazing. Keep doing your best!! And stay safe as Well… love it!

  13. Those are so cute!

  14. 이거 혹시 첫번째 브금이 뭔지 알 수 있을까요? 너무 좋아서…

  15. These are so beautiful!

  16. かつりす says:

    This really makes me want to paint again <3 but I don't have my brushes since they're still at school and I can't get it till quarantine is over ::(

  17. I love arts and I love this channell thank you Serena arts

  18. WOW❤👏😍😍

  19. Shravya J says:

    Really amazing…

  20. Pan Pan says:

    I paint and develop because of this channel

  21. Jazzy Rzadon says:

    Love your art! ♥️
    Never stop doing what you're doing! You're amazing!!!

  22. Ezs Draws says:

    I love Serena’s art! I was just doing paint at home for me actually! But now i have the feeling that i started my youtube channel, if you want to support i will appreciate it 💕

  23. salma m says:

    you have inspired me to get into painting <3

  24. Narjis nono says:

    Very nice🤤♥️😍😍😍😍😍

  25. Nice Idea!! Love it ❤️❤️❤️

  26. Your drawings are so sweet and beautiful I really like to watch your videos you are my favourite🌕🌕

  27. Kookii Jjii says:


  28. Imagine if I could draw like that 😐

  29. Yousof Sameh says:

    💓💝👌👌👌👍👍👍💚💛💜💟👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑 You are the king of art

  30. Jae Artz999 says:

    Morning, day, evening, night
    All different times of the day
    All different looks
    All different vibes
    But all are still the same sky
    Just because appearances are different, doesn't mean they're not the same

    I feel like people in our society should take this as a metaphor

    Just because someone looks or sounds different, doesn't mean they are

    We're all human

    We all have the same red blood

    We can all feel the same pain and love

    Lets not judge others based off their appearances because we're all the same

  31. iris roocin says:

    Tu arte es perfecto ✏💜

  32. Painting is so relaxing! Beautiful paintings!

  33. Beautiful and inspiring. thanks