

Wicked social satire about a sexy male hairdresser that does more than hair. Warren Beatty lampoons his own womanizer reputation in this feature concerned only with who is “doing” who and the superficial appearances of the upper class of Beverly Hills set against election day for the 1968 Presidential election. © 1975, renewed 2003 Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


5 Responses

  1. S612yendi says:

    Really you want to charge that much for a movie from 1975!  Maybe a dollar, you can keep it!  Rip someone else off!  Not worth it!

  2. BigRedSlush says:

    Lol I just searched up shampoo because it's a funny word and I never knew that it was a movie

  3. Jeremy Hanna says:

    Not cool…love So many Goldie movies. Cannot a single mother on one of very few nights alone be able to watch a 20 min episode of a classic movie and funny, candid things?

  4. LisaK71000 says:

    Lester: "Now THAT'S what I call fucking!"

  5. Cindy Cox says:

    Definitely overpriced.