Sunrise Painting | Simple Acrylic Painting For Beginners | Step By Step Tutorial | ASMR | Landscape

Safa Fatma

Hello Everyone πŸ™‚
Painted this Sunrise across the Mountains using Acrylic Paints for Beginners.
Hope you guys enjoy this video πŸ™‚
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Stay Safe πŸ™‚

#artchannel #acrylicpainting #artyoutube #satisfying #art #artist #landscapepainting #acrylic #canvaspainting #art16


4 Responses

  1. nabs khan says:

    Beautiful as always

  2. Wahh safa fullm paimtingbaazi

  3. So nice.. πŸ™ŒπŸ»

  4. Shams Ahmad says:

    The sunrise we deserve in 2020πŸ˜­πŸ™