Tagged: Culture

ASMR YouTube videos are calming and gentle. The comments under them are even better | Culture

ASMR YouTube videos are calming and gentle. The comments under them are even better | Culture

[ad_1] YouTube comments are frequently not very nice (or, to use another Guardian writer’s words, are “an infamously troll-ridden wild west of abuse, ignorance and spam”). Something about a cursor blinking in a blank...

Hypnotic loops: the Swedish artist creating oddly satisfying visual ASMR – video | Art and design

Hypnotic loops: the Swedish artist creating oddly satisfying visual ASMR – video | Art and design

[ad_1] Andreas Wannerstedt is one of a growing number of artists animating hypnotic loops and soothing vision designed for an audience that’s craving calm.  ‘My work is very much influenced by visual ASMR,’ he...

Whisper in Asian Art Museum after reopen asmr san francisco

yanghaiying Here are the books: https://www.etsy.com/shop/yanghaiying?section_id=6895449 Here is the watercolor tiles: https://www.etsy.com/listing/870977430/set-of-a-dozen-watercolor-tiles-with?ref=shop_home_active_2&frs=1 Here is the Chinese calligraphy bookmarks: https://www.etsy.com/shop/yanghaiying?section_id=5735606 Here are the stickers: https://www.etsy.com/shop/yanghaiying?section_id=30294578 Here is the lipstick: https://amzn.to/3mozMH5 Here is my Etsy shop:...